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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Magikarp VIP

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    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:23 pm

    Job Title: Explore The Ruins
    Job Requirements: Maximum 2 Characters.  100 Words per post. Must roll Normal Dice after every post. Total must be higher than 25.
    Job Location:  East Pandora > Albastion Ruins
    Job Description: There's been many myths about these ruins. No one quite knows why or how they ended up the way they were. You have been received word of Lacrima Crystals strewn across these ruins, scavenged by bandits and zombies. They are weak, and the crytals are rare. You have decided to go against the myths to find out for yourself. But beware, this place is a mystery.

    You must roll the "Normal Dice" after every post. Each face will have a different effect on your mission. Add up the number that each dice shows, when you reach a total equal or greater than 25, your mission will be complete.

    1 - Nothing Happens

    2 - A zombie appears. He is weak and doesn't do anything other than walk at you. You must remove his head to defeat him. His head can be removed by any weapon. Alternatively, you can trap him somewhere, you make your way around him

    3 - Nothing

    4 - You get an additional Lacrima Shard (2 Max)

    5 - A small crowd of zombies appears. They are weak but may run at you if you make too much noise. They will follow you if you are near and will try to bite you for B-ranked damage. They can be beheaded by any weapon, or by any offensive spell that could remove their brain from their body.

    6 - A Bandit appears. He is covered in tattered clothing and armed with a sword and knives. He's squirmy and loud and has no magical prowness. He can be killed after taking B-Ranked damage. Alternatively, any crowd of zombies will take care of him for you. He will distract all zombies. (He is hostile, and will try to harm you to take any goods you have taken.)

    Reward: 3 Lacrima Shards + D-Ranked Reward Dice (Users will not get Coin Reward)

    "Wow, I've never had a wolf body before? Or have I?" said Tyron as he walked alongside Zinnia, his tail flicking back and forth, his eye examining his new body. From the way he acted, it seemed that Tyron hadn't always possessed the body of a wolf. Then again, he was a demon. Perhaps demons didn't have, or didn't need, physical forms? Then again, Kaseki was a demon, and he seemed to be pretty physical. Or at least from what Zinnia had heard of him. She had never actually seen Kaseki. She had only heard stories of his greatness. But she had never taken too much time to actually study him. She honestly didn't see a need to. So he was the ruler of Pandora? He had no purpose in her life.

    Zinnia really should have rested more back at Frostbite Falls. After summoning Tyron, she had passed out. He claimed she had slept for three days, and he practically had to force feed her. When she had questioned why he didn't just let her starve, he had replied saying that he didn't want his new plaything to starve to death. This, of course, like it would anyone, made her pretty nervous.

    As they walked, Zinnia, being tired, allowed her claws to make noise. She was exhausted. She really needed a proper night's sleep. She couldn't fight like this. She'd be better off fighting two dragons than wandering around in this condition. After all, she had achieved her goal.... so why did she need to keep pushing herself.

    Flopping down on the stone, she let out a sigh, closing her eyes. She was then reminded why, when Tyron sent a sharp pain through her thigh, causing her to open her eyes, glaring at him with annoyance. He had kicked her, looking at her with a curious expression.

    "Hey! This is Albastion Ruins! Don't you know that there are powerful lacrima shards around here?" the demon asked, flicking his tail. Zinnia's ears perked. She had actually not known this..... well, he wasn't called an all-knowing demon for nothing. Sure, his powers were limited, but he still had his knowledge.

    "Actually, I was not aware of this, Tyron...." said Zinnia, standing up with a shake of her head. She glanced at the ruins. Would she really find lacrima shards here? Seemed a tad unlikely, and likely at the same time.....

    "Of course! Would you ever doubt me?" Tyron said with a chuckle, leading the way towards the ruins, "Come on! Don't make me regret picking you! Show your skills and prowess to me!" he laughed, disappearing into the shadows.

    Zinnia gasped, and quickly followed pursuit, leaping off a ledge, her claws skidding on the hard stone as she tried to get a grip. She tripped a few times, but quickly regained her balance, chasing after the demon.
    Magikarp VIP

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    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:11 am

    Although Zinnia's scars still burned like all hell from the hike, and against her better judgement, she was curious. Of course, it was curiosity that killed the cat. But then again, she did have a demon. Not that he'd back her up if she was in trouble. He had said it himself, he was only here to help her find the book of knowledge, nothing else. That meant, if he wanted to, he could refuse to help her fight, so she'd be stuck dealing with the enemy by herself, which would be a pain in the arse, she thought with a sigh.

    Skidding to a stop, she finally caught up to the demon, who was crouched by a gorge, staring down at it with an intent stare. Zinnia blinked, her body struggling to regain control of itself, shaking subconsciously. What was he looking at? Curious, the she-wolf trotted forward, wincing at the wounds. Some had even been reopened, and were now bleeding out again.

    "Oh, good, you finally caught up. You mortals have such frail bodies, don't you? And here I was thinking wolves were stronger then humans. Ha!" the demon joked, chuckling as he watched her try to regain composure of her body.

    "I'm only like this because I walked half a continent to find you," she sighed in exasperation, trotting up beside him. She looked down at whatever it was that he was looking at. Her body naturally lied down next to him, her tail flicking back and forth, her ears twitching into the direction of the gorge.

    Last edited by Zinnia on Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:11 am

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] 302rhb8
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:05 pm

    Gazing down at the gorge, she was awed by the beautiful sight. The walls were etched with pieces of a forgotten ruin, and there were a few ledges, crafted to appear as if they had once been balconies. They were etched beautifully with gold, silver, and quartz. Deeper down the ravine, she could see a waterfall, spilling out of one of the cracks. She could hear its mighty roar, even from up here. The water was foaming and bubbling as it squeezed out of the crack, crashing down into the river below. Zinnia couldn't see it very clearly, but it appeared that the bottom was spiky. Pointy. A rough estimate of the total depth of the ravine had to be at least..... 80 meters deep. That was just a rough guesstimate, of course. She had no idea was the true depth was....

    "Looks fun! Shall we see what's to find?" laughed Tyron, disturbing her peace, as he suddenly leaped down into the ravine. Zinnia was shocked, and watched him as, thankfully, he landed on a ledge, that was merely three meters down. Sighing in relief, Zinnia leaped down after him, spinning around to grip the gorge wall carefully, helping to halt her fall. Her claws made a loud, screeching noise as they dug into the wall.

    As Zinnia regained her balance, she saw Tyron looking around, a smirk still on his face. "My, sure is nice around here. Now, why don't we head on in to find some secrets, shall we?" he laughed, launching forward, behind Zinnia. She spun around, surprised, only to see the gaping mouth of a cave entrance. Glancing up at the sky, she took a deep breath, and quickly followed after Tyron. She was indeed interested. And the only way to gain experience was to dive in. Just.... intelligently, and not recklessly, she thought with a growl.

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:05 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] 302rhb8
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:26 pm

    Quickly following after Tyron, she leaped in front of him, glaring at him, her tail high, her body strong and tense, her ears perked his direction, and her eyes focused, clear, and obviously annoyed. "Tyron," she said, speaking in a level voice, that betrayed her disdain of his rudeness, "calm down, please. Tread lightly, demon. You never know what could be waiting for us within this ruin. These buildings are old, no doubt, and could fall apart any second. If you just go into this without giving it a second thought....."

    "Boring!" he said, rolling his eye at Zinnia, an immature glint in his eye. It still weirded Zinnia out that he only had one eye. That wasn't natural for wolves. Then again, speaking and controlling poison wasn't natural for wolves, either, so she supposed she was just as strange, coming from a wolf's perspective.

    Before she could assert her dominance towards the demon, he continued speaking, moving onward, his tail flicking in a bored fashion, "Come on! Relax, won't you? This is suppose to be a feelgood hunt! Enjoy yourself!" 

    Before she could argue, the demon turned a bend in the cavern. She blinked, and followed him quickly, resting her ears against her head. As she headed onward, deeper into the cave, she noticed the scriptures and encryptions on the walls. Things she couldn't quite understand. Hieroglyphics, and other odd symbols.

    Watching the walls, she continued after the demon, who was a few meters away. She needed to get better control over him.

    "Tyron! Get back here!" she called for him, picking up her pace. He gleefully ignored her.

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
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    Experience : ?

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:26 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Wcbjer
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:38 pm

    Tyron continued to ignore Zinnia, laughing as he made his way through the cave. Once again, he made a sharp turn, vanishing from view. Panting, Zinnia followed after him. How was he this fast? Zinnia was running at roughly 40mph. That was faster then a large majority of her race, and it wasn't even her top speed. She was tired, however, and had to slow down, so not to aggravate her wounds more then they already were. They were burning from over exerting them, climbing up to Frostbite Falls. She came to a halt, closing her eyes gently to get some rest. He had to be running at least 50 mph. Maybe even more. She had no idea. Opening her eyes, she lunged back after him, going slower, but still making an effort to stay at the top of her stamina. His speed was impressive, but how long could it last?

    Turning a corner, Zinnia stopped, clinging the cave floor with her claws, which made a loud shriek as they scraped against the stone, leaving scratches across the ground. Standing about ten meters away, was a zombie. It was slowly walking towards Tyron, who seemed to be taunting it from a distance, before running off when it got close enough to try and swipe at him.

    Snarling, Zinnia wanted to facepalm. He truly was a demon, wasn't he? Taunting the dead like this, she thought with disgust. She might as well put it out of its misery. Her claws clinking against the stone floor, she ran forward. Of course she was cautious. Zinnia wasn't one to leap into anything recklessly. She needed to analyze the current threat, no matter how minor it appeared.

    The zombie appeared to hear the noise, and slowly turned around. Zinnia ran to the side, before leaping up, biting onto its face, digging her claws into its brain. It barely let out a cry before it fell to the ground, scratching weakly at Zinnia, before falling to the ground with a loud bang. Zinnia gasped, rolling onto her back, panting with exhaustion. Quickly, she used her sharp claws to slice off its head, causing it to roll a few feet away, before she collapsed onto her stomach.

    "That was some mighty fancy footwork, you did, toots!" taunted Tyron, his tail flicking back and forth, appearing entertained.

    "Yea, well, just be glad I didn't 'miss' and hit your sorry head instead," she snarled irritated. The zombie had managed to scratch open one of her scars again, and it was bleeding. She decided to lie down for a bit.

    "Why, aren't you the feisty one?" laughed Tyron, his eye watching her tauntingly. "Hey, how about while you sit here, I go do something productive? That doesn't sound like a no!" he said, immediately turning around before she could argue.

    "Bastard!" she snapped, her ears lain back against her head, and her teeth bared. Shakily, she stood up, licking the blood off her reopening wounds. She needed to take this adventure carefully. And Tyron wasn't helping.

    Last edited by Zinnia on Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:38 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] 2my2smo
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:45 pm

    While Zinnia rested back in the room where they had slain the zombie, Tyron was still adventuring around, leaping up on rocks, exploring the small crevices, and other things he found interesting. His eye scanned the old, ancient architecture, and he made a game for himself, seeing if he could identify all of the languages and cultural literature. His eyes darted around, until he soon grew bored of exploring by himself, and glanced back at where he had left Zinnia behind at. He couldn't very well stay in Pandora if she was dead.... well, he could, probably. Sighing, he muttered to himself, making his way back to the corridor he had left Zinnia in.

    Turning a corner, he found her, standing by the wall he had quickly run past, studying it. She seemed to be trying to decipher the wording of the scripture. Groaning, he trotted up to her. "It's ancient roman, and it says 'Let this be heard, men of old, for tell thy not our sins be washed upon the ashes of despair. Romans had odd ways of phrasing things," he told her, flicking his tail nonchalantly.

    "How do you know it's ancient roman?" questioned Zinnia, flicking her tail, her left ear twitching in curiosity, "after all, you said it yourself, you haven't been here in a very, very long time. Plus, you're not familiar with the races of this world, are you?" she chuckled, moving her body to face him, sitting down, her tail wagging across the stone.

    "I know more then you do, toots," Tyron injected, chuckling, his eye watching her curiously. "Besides," he said, turning around, "I've been around for over twenty billion years. You have nothing on my knowledge!" the wolf laughed. Zinnia elbowed him. 

    "Perhaps. But that was in your world. This is my world," said Zinnia, trotting beside him. They turned another bend, entering a beautiful cathedral. The walls were etched with gold, and they had beautiful markings on them.

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
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    Posts : 5171
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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:45 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Wcbjer
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:00 pm

    Standing in the middle of the cathedral, wandering around as if it had no idea where it was going, was yet another zombie. Snarling, Zinnia shook her head. Perhaps they could just ignore it. Maybe it wouldn't even come at them. Zinnia was about to turn to Tyron to tell him this, but, to her great annoyance, he had disappeared. Where to? She wasn't exactly sure. Sighing, she decided to crawl around the zombie, crouching low to the ground, and heading to the far side of the building.

    The zombie didn't notice her, and instead kept wobbling around like a drunken person. True, Zinnia had no idea where Tyron was, but they were mentally linked. He could find her if he wanted to. Slowly, Zinnia made her way to the other side of the room, where the entrance to another corridor stood.

    She attempted to muffle her weapon's sound as she scurried across the floor, her body blending in with the background of the darkness. She didn't use her camoflauge, though, so her body was still pretty exposed. Hopefully, the zombie was stupid enough to not notice her, even with her camoflauge not activated.

    Once she had passed the zombie, she hurried into the room, panting. All of this running was aggravating her wounds. Shaking herself, she sighed. She would rest at the end of this, she thought to herself silently, and pressed onward. She still had no idea where Tyron had vanished to, but she wasn't going to worry about that.

    Health: 70%
    [Previous Wounds]

    Last edited by Zinnia on Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:00 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dw9y4j
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:00 pm

    As Zinnia continued down the corridor, she began to wonder where on Pandora Tyron had ran off to. He couldn't have gone far. Hopefully. She hoped this place wasn't as big as it looked, but she knew that was a fruitless desire. If this really was an ancient ruin, an old castle and city, then it was, no doubt, ginormous. Of course it was, she thought with a sigh, turning a corner, walking slowly, her head down as she thought. He'd come back, she thought with a sigh. After all, they had made a contract together. He wouldn't abandon her. He couldn't abandon her, could he?

    A sudden groan interrupted her thoughts. Looking up, she became distressed as she saw a small pack of zombies, slowly making their way down the hall. They didn't appear very threatening, but if any of them bit her...

    Growling in her throat, she dropped to the ground, crawling over to the wall, her body pressing against the cold, hard stone. Her eyes scanned the zombies. There were about five in total, all slowly making their way down the corridor. They seemed to have no idea where they were going, or what they were doing, as zombies usually did. They were all drooling, foaming from the mouth, their eyes vacant and opaque.

    Taking in a deep breath, Zinnia clutched the ground, narrowing her eyes at them. She needed to think of a strategy. As she started to think of a way she could defeat them all without bringing harm to herself, she heard a sudden eruption of flames, and her fur bristled, her ears lain against her head, her tail tucked under her legs.

    The flames belonged to Tyron, who had suddenly appeared from the other side of the zombies, flames sprouting around his paws, licking his fur, yet not harming him. The zombie closest to him had caught on fire, and was now moaning, and running towards Tyron.

    Smirking, the demon dodged out of the way of the flaming zombie, his flames alighting with fire, shooting a few balls of light at the monster, causing its head to fly clean off. He then landed, a glorious smirk on his face.

    "Aww, and you thought I was going to leave you. How cute," laughed Tyron, practically reading her mind. This caused Zinnia to smirk, but her eyes widened when one of the zombies leaped up behind Tyron, biting his tail. He yipped, and charged forward, his tail bleeding yellow blood.

    Now, normally, Zinnia would have called, telling him he deserved it, but Zombies were no laughing matter. Standing up, regaining herself after that sudden explosion of fire, she charged forward, her metal claws clinking against the ground.

    The zombie turned to face her, its mouth dripping with blood, as she leaped up, knocking its head off with her claws, similar to what she had done with the last zombie. It fell to the ground, limp. This caused the remaining three zombies to rush at her, all groaning and foaming at the mouth.

    Tyron, wincing as he held up his wounded tail, he shook off the pain, and shot another fireball at the zombie, causing its head to explode in flames. It screeched in pain, grabbing its head, before it fell to the ground, its brain burning.

    The other two targeted Zinnia, who growled at them, jumping back. One tried to grab, and bite her, but she jumped out of the way, before she raised up onto her hind legs, knocking its head off. However, this gave the other the opportunity to bite her wrist. she snarled in agony, before Tyron launched a fiery ball at the creature's head, causing it to scream, and fall to the floor, dead.

    Zinnia's Health: 83%
    [Wrist Bitten]
    Tyron's Health: 85% |MP: 90%
    -Fireball used (-10%)
    [Tail Bitten]

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:00 pm

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Normal Dice' :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dice-icon
    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Dw9y4j
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:58 am

    "Why, wasn't that exciting!" the wolf demon laughed, leaping forward, ignoring the pain in his tail. Zinnia licked her wounds, which had reopened from the fury of the battle. She hadn't been paying attention to where her body had been maneuvering, and had reopened many of her old wounds, and she had irritated her blisters. She shot the demon an agitated glare, her claws flexing, a snarl drawn across her face.

    "Arrogant mutt!" she barked, causing him to be taken aback some, "If you hadn't interrupted, I could have taken out those beasts without bringing harm to myself, or you! Now look what you've done....." she shook her head, "we should be heading out. This temple obviously has nothing of keen interest for us...."

    "Aww, come on, darling," the wolf said, unshaken by the venom in Zinnia's words, "I found something really cool. I'm sure you'll like it, if you're anything like the way you act. Besides, I don't think there are any more zombies that way," the wolf chuckled.

    Zinnia really couldn't tell if he was joking, or being serious. It was hard to tell with demons. But she supposed she had no choice. Well, she did, but, she knew that traveling with Tyron would be more effective then going back through the temple alone. Not with these wounds, anyway. And although she had her pride, she knew her limits.

    Growling, she walked past Tyron, causing him to snicker, and follow pursuit. He took the lead, saying, "You won't be dissapointed, toots," he said, smirking, as he lead her into another room. Sliding under the broken, stone door, he made a barking sound, telling her to follow. She let out a sigh, and squeezed under, after him. Honestly, if this was a joke....

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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:58 am

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

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    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] Wcbjer
    Magikarp VIP

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    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:06 am

    "Tada!" the demon said, as he entered the small room. Rather then seeing anything worth while, all Zinnia saw was a zombie, rather casually chilling out in the small room, just kind of standing there, completely still, his arms held by its side, looking lost. Zinnia snarled in her throat, and hit Tyron, hard, in the stomach, with her claws.

    He yelped in pain, causing the zombie to hear them, and start to make its way over to them. Tyron clutched his wound, which was bleeding, and snarled at Zinnia, who blissfully ignored him, dodging to the side as the zombie began to run at them. He was oddly faster then the other zombies had been, but not by much. She would soon make quick work of him. After she dealt with the zombie, she'd give Tyron a piece of her mind.

    Before she could do anything, however, her side suddenly caught aflame, and she howled in pain, the force throwing her back, causing her to skid across the ground, and smack into a wall. The zombie's head then burst into flames, causing its head to explode. Tyron lunged forward, biting Zinnia's leg, before bouncing off of her, bleeding, and panting in pain.

    "You idiot!" barked Zinnia, laying limp, blood oozing from her side, "what on Pandora was that for? You were asking for it!" she was seriously starting to question if summoning a demon had really been a good idea.

    Tyron merely humphed, and turned away from Zinnia, licking his wound, patently ignoring her. She snarled back at him, but she was too tired to get up. So, instead, she took in a deep breath, activating her healing spell. If the bastard wanted to ignore her, let him. He wasn't within a meter radius of her, so he wouldn't be healed, anyway.

    Zinnia's Health: 83% | MP: 95%
    -Healing Fog Activated(-5%)
    Health: 67%
    [Fireball Attack; Old Wounds]
    Tyron's Health: 85% | 75%
    -Fireball Used (-10%)
    Health: 70%
    -Poison Effect(-3%)
    [Stomach Wound]

    Last edited by Zinnia on Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:06 am

    The member 'Zinnia' has done the following action : Dices roll

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    Result :
    Travel to Albastion [Job] 2iiafqp
    Magikarp VIP

    The Giving Tree Gravestone I Need A Medic! Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty
    The Cringy

    Lineage : Soul of The Wicken
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 608
    Sacred Shards : 37
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 470

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Zinnia
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Manipulation

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Zinnia Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:05 pm

    As Zinnia sat, resting her head on her paws, panting as the healing fog surrounded her, she heard a noise outside, and her ears perked up. It was a mere crash, but it was there, nonetheless. Curious, she lifted herself to her feet, and limped over to where the sound was coming from. Tyron barely turned around at her movement, grunting at her action. He was clearly agitated with her actions, but the she-wolf didn't particularly care about what he thought.

    Resting on her stomach, she poked her head outside, looking around. Suddenly, a knife pierced her nose, and she tried to draw back with a howl, only to cause more pain to herself. Tyron briefly looked up at her scream, his ears perking. Instead of helping her, he merely averted his glance, his tail flicking, and his ears pressing against his head.

    Zinnia howled in agony, and pressed her paws against the wall, trying to pull herself away from the weapon. Blood oozed down her muzzle, and she struggled, hissing. There was a sudden groan outside, and the tension removed itself from her muzzle, allowing her to pull back with a pained yelp. From outside, she could hear the screams of agony, caused by whomever her assailant had been, followed by the groans of zombies.

    Holding her nose, the wolf winced, her tail tucked between her legs, she briefly stood up, before she fell back down to stomach, pressing her nose with her paws. Her ears flicked, and she looked up at the door, backing away, just in case anything tried to reach in again. She could hear the screams of a man, and the moans of a heard of zombies.

    Tyron didn't seem interested in the fight, as he was busy being an emo at the moment. Zinnia, however, was interested. They couldn't stay trapped in this hole forever. Hopefully, whomever had attacked her before was distracted with the zombies. Damn.... this pain hurt like hell, she thought to herself, wincing. Her other wounds also hurt like hell. She wasn't sure if making a run for it was a very wise idea..... but, better safe then sorry.

    Snapping a glare at Tyron, she barked, "I don't know about you, but I'm out of here," she said with a quick snap of breath, before she lunged through the hole, her body stinging and burning as her back scratched against the stone.

    As she struggled out of the hole, she noticed with a growl that the person whom had stabbed her had been none other then a bandit, wearing tattered armor, and struggling against the heard of about ten zombies. Her pain was unbearable, but she managed to run off, turning a corner, but losing balance, and crashing into a wall, gritting her teeth in pain.

    She was so tired, she decided to just lie there, silently panting. Blood oozed down her body. Okay, that had been a stupid idea, she thought. Now, if the zombies decided to chase her, she'd be completely vulnerable. She panted, the fog continuing to heal her. She let out a sigh, cleaning her wounds.

    There was a sudden skid, and Tyron appeared from around the corner, walking up to her. Zinnia flashed him a glare. Why was this demon worth her time. Tyron, although obviously mad at her, flashed her a smirk. "Hey, we're bound by a contract. It'd be no fun if you died straight off the bat." he said with a chuckle. He acted as if he were okay, but he obviously looked like he was in pain.

    "Well, don't just stand there. We should get moving," said the wolf, picking up Zinnia by the scruff, placing her on his back. She replied with a bite to his neck, and lifted her head, her tail pointing straight up in the air.

    "Treat me with respect, dog," she barked, wincing. The healing mist helped. Some. But she was relying to heavily on it. But still, it was an efficient way to keep herself from fainting, she thought with a chuckle. The pain itself was extraordinary thanks to the way it had been delivered.... fire hurt, you know.

    Holding her paw, she lead them back to the surface, since Tyron hadn't been paying much attention to where they had been going. Zinnia was moving awfully slow, her ears lain against her head, trying to ignore the stabbing pain coursing throughout her entire body. Once they arrived at the entrance of the building, the balcony, they decided to rest there. They would make their way back up when they regained some strength back....


    Zinnia's Health: 44% | MP: 93%
    -Healing Fog Used(-2%)
    [Old Wounds; Nose Stab]
    Tyron's Health: 80% | 75%
    [Poison Effect]
    Shinigami VIP

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    Primary Magic: Dog

    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by Fetus Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:37 am

    Total Rolled : 30

    "She had never actually seen Kaseki. She had only heard stories of his greatness." THIS. ALL OF THIS...

    This Post was smart. Setting up a hole to throw zombies into. Fanceh~

    And thank god there's no zombie virus... yet.

    And just for info... The worlds have only been in Pandora for just over a year at this point. It's literally only been 1 year IC that anyone not born in Pandora has been here. The only people who have been here for an extended period of time are the Lost Souls, Fallen Spirits, and The Forgotten. (Since there was no living being in Pandora before the worlds were taken.)
    [No Coin Reward]
    [+3 Lacrima Shards Given]

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    Travel to Albastion [Job] Empty Re: Travel to Albastion [Job]

    Post by NPC Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:37 am

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