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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    Clan I made on a Naruto Site


    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
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    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Empty Clan I made on a Naruto Site

    Post by Kaseki Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:03 pm

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 21amjb4
    E N O C H I A N
    "Aal Dinok aak Faal Volkrun Feykro und de Torkro"
    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Vx0tpu
    Clan Name: Enochian
    Clan Unique Features: All members of the clan have the symbol embedded on their body. This is through a ceremony that is done by the founding member. If they do not have the symbol on their body, they cannot tap into the power of their group.
    Clan History: "By the powers of the darkness that is manifested in fear." "By the power given to us to guide you." "This is our vow to protect the realm of the unliving." "From the depths of Heaven, and a a decent from Hell, we are the gatekeepers."

    A religion founded on the belief of the great Maker. These people are few and far between and believe in something greater than the great Ōtsutsuki bloodline. To them, there is a world that exists within the living, yet is connected to the deceased, they call this the Plane of Enochia.

    These people are often mistaken as followers for Jashin, due to their unorthodox views and radical ideals. On the contrary, these people give up their lives for death. The very power in their belief, comes from them getting as close to death as possible, and reaching their salvation.

    All members of the Enochian following bear the unicursal hexogram on their body. This is always large in nature, such as one of the leading members, Yoshigé, has the symbol taking up his entire back. These markings are not tattoos, but are of scars. These symbolic scars can only be made by an existing member of this religious society. It is a ceremony where one slices away at another, mending a wound with their own chakra, making one member closer to death, and able to take a part of the higher ranked member with them upon salvation. This ceremony tears away at the user's chakra passageways and in turn, permanently mutilates the participant. With it, the user is unable to cast any eye based illusions, nor can their body take the power of advanced releases. By surrendering their souls to the maker, they have given up the use of most Taijutsu and most medical techniques to honor their great creator....
    Clan Members: (MAX: 5)
    - Yoshimitsu
    Clan Perks: While their techniques are active, they take half the damage they normally would

    Clan Rules: User cannot preform any Genjutsu. User cannot use any advanced releases. User cannot use any of the Taijutsu gates. User cannot preform any Taijutsu or Medical Ninjutsu above B-rank. User cannot preform any jutsu outside of the clan techniques that use more than 3 handsigns.

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 315h0cz
    Clan Skill Type: Hiden
    Clan Skill Name: Centre
    Clan Skill Description: The power of the Enochian relies on energy that is deep within Chakra. As a result, all of the Enochian Techniques use unique handsigns. Even if someone was to learn all of the signs, they would be unable to preform the jutsu, for they do not bear the Enochian emblem that allows them to use their techniques. However, someone who relies heavily on these techniques will find the toll that they all take on the user's body.

    Clan Skill Name: Chant Master
    Clan Skill Description: The user can train in verbal chanting, allowing them to cast their techniques without handsigns. This requires 200 words per sign/symbol.

    Clan Skill Name: Shaman
    Clan Skill Description: If the user has trained all verbal chants of each sign/symbol. They can train to simply think of the words to use their techniques. This will be a total of 5,000 words to train.

    Symbols of the Four Towers
    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 280odc9

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 6iqu5h

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 24zvy1e

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Nlqtdw

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2s8jxnc

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2ns6zd2

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2ia7hvl

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 25k3ew5

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 307lxg1

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Nvo7si

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Hvcbd5

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 33mn5zt

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Icmjo7

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site F3civ7

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 1zwlqh0

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2yyp6dc

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 25jgig5

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2qtlvlh

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 10d8jsl

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Nxus20

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Nb55bt

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site 2nqth6x


    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Ic6ckp
    Name: Feykro
    Rank: D
    Element: N/A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Range: User
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Charge: Or
    Description:  The user makes the handsign, and calls upon Feykro, meaning forest. The user becomes as sturdy as a tree. Physically the user appears to become of a dark wood. In this state the user takes more damage from Katon attacks, while taking half from Suiton. This is a mockery of Wood Release, however it limits what the user can do.
    Weaknesses: If this lasts more than one post, the user may suffer permanent mutation. This will result in the internals of the user becoming "One with Nature", and my result in the marrow of the bones turning into a very errie dark colored wood. If this is used more than twice a thread, the user risks turning completely into wood, and eventually dying. The use can only cast Water, or Earth Release jutsu in this state. they cannot preform any Taijutsu until 3 posts after the original jutsu was used.

    Name: Volkun
    Rank: C
    Element: N/A
    Type: Fuinjutsu
    Range: Contact
    Duration: Upkeep / Permanent
    Charge: Van → Med
    Description: The user calls upon the power of Volkun, meaning Shadow. After preforming the symbol, the user's fingertips turn a lifeless gray, and their fingernails turn black. While in this state, they can burn symbols to whatever they touch. They can only scribe up to 5 symbols, per upkeep cost. The symbols can be released by any practicer of Enochian, and can be used to preform techniques faster. They can also use this offensively, by grabbing people with their hands in this state. (Causes no more than a first degree burn per post.)
    Weaknesses: This technique has no range. The user pays 3 Chakra per seal created, in addition to the original cost. Using this technique for more than one post will result in numbing of the user's hands, and after the second post will result in the destruction of nerves in their hands, eliminating their sense of touch. If they use this for more than 3 posts, the discoloration will creep up their arm, engulfing their forearm, numbing it after it is in disuse. After the fourth post their entire arm will be covered. After the fifth it will reach their chest. After the sixth post the user will suffer from frostbite on their hands and will lose their arm from the forearm down. They will have to seek out someone with at least Medical Ninjutsu Mastery experience. The discoloration will continue to cover the body if this is used for more than 6 posts, if it reaches the heart, all of their internal organs will implode, resulting in internal organ failure.

    Name: Dinok
    Rank: B
    Element: N/A
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Range: User
    Duration: 4 Posts
    Charge: Gal → Gon → Drux → Med
    Description:  The user's skin turns into a shadowy substance, almost like a solid form of smoke. In this state, they are unable to be hit by any D-Rank or below weapons. They cannot be harmed by Explosive tags. This is tapping into the power of Dinok, meaning death. In this form, the user's bones are visible, due to the powers of Dinok, and the transparent substance their skin turns into.
    Weaknesses: After using this jutsu, it will thicken the blood of the user, causing wounds to bleed much slower. After the first post, if the jutsu is still active, the user may suffer heart failure, or possible internal bleeding. After the second post if the jutsu us still active, the user's skin will start to burn and tear up. After the third post, if the jutsu is still active, when they revert to their original form, they will be covered in scars, and will be unable to use their arms at all. (Arms will be dislocated, as well as paralyzed for the rest of the thread.) After the fourth post, when the user reverts to their original form, their stomach acids will find their way into the lungs of the user, and they will vomit as well. If this is used a second time, the user will fall paralyzed if used for more than 6 posts total, and if used for the total of 8 posts, the user will fall dead.

    Name: Aaues
    Rank: D
    Element: Water
    Type: Ninjutsu
    Range: 30 Meters
    Duration: 3 Posts (Upkeep)
    Description: The user calls upon the power of Aaues, meaning Dream. The user deeply inhales after preforming the symbol. When the user takes in air, they release a mist through their skin, creating a sense of a fog around them. The mist is made from the user's chakra, however it does not hide the user from Dojutsu that can track chakra, such as the Sharingan or Byakugan, or even sensory ninja. Instead, in the mist, the user is able to manifest auras much like their own, making it seem as if their are several of the user within the mist. This is used to distract and mislead anyone who is tracking them in the mist. This can be combined with poison, if the user has any techniques that uses them.
    Weaknesses: Can create only a max of ten auras to mimic their own. It does not deal any damage in any way. Using this more than once in a thread will cause great fatigue, much like opening the Third Gate of Life. While in the mist, the user's skin will become highly hydrated, and will prevent the user from preforming Fire release jutsu. If the user remains in the mist for more than 3 posts, they will become over hydrated and exhausted, this will result in a silence on their chakra, preventing use of any jutsu for the rest of the thread. If the must lasts more than five posts, the user will start to turn into a form of liquid, making it almost impossible to wear armor, or use any weapons of A-Rank or above. (However weapons will pass through them.) The side-affect of becoming liquid is permanent.

    Name: What is the name of your Jutsu?
    Rank: What rank is your Jutsu?
    Element: Does this require the user to have an element, or is it non-elemental?
    Type: What kind of Jutsu is it? (Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu...?)
    Range: Up to how far can this reach?
    Duration: How many posts does this last? These only count your posts and no one else's
    Charge: What is needed to cast this jutsu? How many hand signs and in what order?
    Description:  Be very clear in what the jutsu does
    Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of this Jutsu?

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Deqyk8

    Terraforming I Need A Medic! Clan I made on a Naruto Site Empty
    Ramen and Beas Daughter

    Lineage : Legend's Trio, Static Lightning
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 396
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 117051

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Yuna Seikatsu
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: Earth Demon Slayer

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Empty Re: Clan I made on a Naruto Site

    Post by Sonya Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:25 pm

    *stares* o.o

    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
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    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    Clan I made on a Naruto Site Empty Re: Clan I made on a Naruto Site

    Post by Kaseki Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:28 pm

    It's only here because I need the GFX... and i have it in a neat little table...

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