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Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:32 pm

    The wind moved her. Silver hair flew to the side as the light hit bounced off of the dark locks, as did it bounce off the water before her. A piece of paper was gripped firmly in the girls, no, the women's hand. Men walked by, practically tripping and falling down as they gazed at the curvy, lustful figure of a women. But she didn't notice them. Even if she was not currently enthralled by the piece of writting in her hands, she would not have noticed them. 

    Hargeon was filled to the brim with fisherman and salesmen, no one who had anything she wanted in this world. At least, nothing that she knew that she wanted at least. 

    She did, however, know of one thing in this town she wanted to find, a cat. A cat by the name of Mr. Cuddles. Putting down the piece of paper, she reached up, tucking a few strands of silver hair behind her ear, and then holding up her hand to block the sun. "Now, Where is the sweet young man helping me find this animal?" She asked herself, a form of sweet sarcasm riddling her voice as she put her free hand, the hand with the piece of paper, on her hip, and awaiting for the man that she was supposed to be looking for this dreaded animal with. 
    Post Count: 1/8
    Word Count: 229/100

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:19 pm

    Dray was standing at the silvery gates of hargeon
    town. A city blessed with the gift of water and
    indirectly given everlasting food which was fish.
    Never would the people of hargeon town ever die of
    The gates were majestic with a fish symbol above the
    semi-circular structure that was on both sides of the
    town gates. Such thoughtful art. De fiore was one of
    the towns with brilliant artistic qualities seeing Era as
    it is. Dray had been called upon the previous day by a
    lady asking dray to help find her lost kitty and that
    she had a pretty nice reward. Dray accepted
    considering the fact that he loved animals. She told
    him that the other person he was going on the job
    with would be waiting for him in hargeon town
    because that was where she lost the kitty and here
    dray was.. Hargeon town.. Dray walked into the town
    quietly with his clam look always on. He wore his
    usual robes and still had his distinct vanilla smell on
    him.. He stood at a noticeable junction and tried to
    scan for whoever it may be was accompaning him on
    the job.
    Post count:2/8
    Word count:195:100

    Last edited by Dray on Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:26 pm

    Blake did not just sit around and wait for fate to happen. She did not know who her assigned partner for this mission was, so it was up for them to find her. The sun beat down on her as she walked from the meeting place to a tree near bye, using the shade to block out the horrid rays of light from striking her eyes. A few more men walked along side her, offering her umbrellas, sunglasses, some of them would have offered them the cloths off of their backs if it was cold enough.

    Giving a smile, she took a pair of sunglasses that was offered to her, and leaned up against a tree. Taking out a cigarette, she watched as one of the men pulled out a lighter, placing a fire at the tip of the tobacco. As she waited, she looked around the area. Survaying for the cat, her eyes looking beyond the dark glass curtains currently blocking them off from the true outside world.

    Post Count: 3/8
    Word Count: 170/100

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:39 pm

    How in the world was he suppposed to find this person. He had no idea if the person was a male of female. Child or adult. Tall or short. Slender or fat.. Everything just seemed fucked up but dray wanted to try. He never gave up without at least trying. Still with his calm look, dray scanned the area as he tried to look for someone different. Almost everyone in the hargeon town where fishermen so if this person was here, he or she had to be different. Dray walked forward about five more metres when he saw an odd figure against a tree.. Mostly in black wears.. And smoking too.. Let's see what we got here.. Still with calm looks, dray walked up to the person who was against the tree. He found the being to be a lady and he proceeded forth leaning on the tree..."are you by any chance waiting for somebody before commencing on a job"

    Post count: 4/8
    Word count: 158/100
    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:50 pm

    A slight meow could be heard in the distance. A slight smile appeared on Blake's face as she began to look up. I suppose I won't need the other one. She thought to herself, pulling the sunglasses slightly off her face and getting up, no longer leaning on the tree. Taking one last hit of the cigarette, she got ready to put it out. But something stopped her, someone stopped her.

    "are you by any chance waiting for somebody before commencing on a job?" A boy asked her. He had to be no older then 16 or 17. He seemed nervous, but that was to be expected from any male who approached Blake. Looking down at the boy, she smiled, and grabbed his shoulder. Leaning in so that there was no more then a two inch gap between their faces, Blake would speak. "I see you are my partner, thanks for decided to join us." Giving the boy a smile, she would get up, and begin to drag him behind her, following the sounds of a purring cat.
    Post Count: 5/8
    Word Count: 177/100

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:47 am

    Dray stood beside the female expecting her response.. As she was a bit taller than dray, she looked down at him and smiled, and grabbed his shoulder. Why would she grab his shoulder.. He hardly let people touch him unless he wanted to and this female was getting all worked up on him.. As dray just kept looking at her with his usual calm look, she leaned in to him so that
    there was no more then a two inch gap between both their faces, the female would speak to dray. "I see you are my partner, thanks for decided to join us.". As she would Give dray a smile, before she got up, and begin to drag him behind her but just at that moment, dray gently held her hand and lifted it off of his shoulder..
    that wouldn't be a nice way to treat a stranger, more importantly, a partner, would it..besides, you sure dont wanna ruffle up my clothes.. dray said as he crossed his arms..

    Post count:6/8
    Word count:172/100
    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:03 am

    Shaking her head, she realized that she had seen this boy before. "You again," Blake sighed. It was the gay guy she had met in Era before. The one who stalked her. Giving a sigh, she continued walking. "If you don't want to help me with this cat that's fine." She spoke, not paying attention to whether or not the boy was following her. "I can get it by my self, and keep the reward too."

    Blake listened for the sound of meows. They were getting louder, more annoying. Blake never really liked cats, she was always more of a dog person truth be told. Looking up at all the buildings, she could see the predicament of why the cat had never gone back home. Mr. Cuddles was on a boat.  
    Post Count: 6/8
    Word Count: 131/100

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:16 am

    The lady talked about meeting dray back in the town of Era.. Had he meet her before.. Seeing the same look of expectation on her face, dray immediately recognized her.. the corpse carrier eh.. thought dray... He had remembered following behind her back. Such a stupid behaviour he exhibited. All due to the curiousity he hardly experienced.
    Right now, the lady seemed a bit pissed that dray had sort of rejected her warm welcome. Well, she would have to pardon that because dray was not much of an open arms person. She seemed to frown as she told dray that it was totally his choice to help or not.. If he did not, then she would find the little cat and keep the reward all to herself.. Dray's facial expression still did not change but feeling bad about spoiling her mood, dray followed behind as a sign that he was on the job too..

    Post count:8/8
    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:35 pm

    Getting the cat was easy. Too easy. All Blake had to do was flirt with captain of the boat and he handed her the cat instantly. She eve gave him a kiss on the cheek for doing such a good service. Walking to the ladies house, she held that cat in her arm proud. She made sure not to touch it though, that could spell disaster. The cat seemed to love her, meaning one touch could practically kill this creature.

    Walking up to the clients door, she didn't even care to look if the boy, her partner, had followed her. The cat was currently nested down in a towel she found on the street, something that she thought the client would find odd.

    Knocking on the door, she would await for the women's answer. Hoping to take this animal off of her hands.
    Post Count: 9/8
    Word Count: 143/100

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:49 am

    Dray followed as the lady got unto the boat. Neither of them semed to talk to each other though dray felt like she was taking this personal. He did not seem to care to though he still felt like what happened was his fault. She managed to do talking and actions with the captain of the boat who in turn allowed her have the missing cat after which dray and the lady headed for the client's apartment. Upon getting there, the lady hadn't once looked back to see if dray was behind as she knocked on the client's door awaiting a reply when dray took this moment to ask the lady what was the cause for he behaviour..

    Post count:10/8
    Succubus Blake
    Succubus Blake

    Terraforming  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : The Sun
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 67
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Blakely Salamancer
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Mero Mero No Mi

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Succubus Blake Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:58 am

    As Blake stood there, awaiting for the door to open, a bird flew by. It was curious little thing, adorable, small, but to the cat, it made it hungry. Before Blake knew it, the cat had somehow managed to teleport out of her arms. Looking confused, she saw it was on top of the bird. Eating it. But that wasn't the strangest site, no, certainly not. The cat had grown bigger. Taking a step towards the cat, she saw the door open. 

    "Mr. Cuddles!" The women shouted with joy, She then scratched the back of her neck. "Oh I hate it when he gets like this." the client complained, "It takes me forever to calm him down." Looking at Blake and the other boy, She gave a smile, "Could you take care of that?" She asked, gettting her purse and showing them the reward, "I'd make it worth your while." She chimmed. 
    Word Count: 151/125

    I'm Important Too!  [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 68
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 125

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Dray
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Ice Vessel

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Dray Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:26 pm

    After everything happened in the room with the client later bringing out her purse, she offered both dray and the lady their reward as dray aologized to the lady for his cold behaviour when they got outside.

    EXIT(sorry for this post. Just needed to end it. Mission requirement met though).Tnx

    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

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    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

    Post by Kaseki Mon May 25, 2015 6:08 pm

    Job denied, due to failure of additional requirements.

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     [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake) Empty Re: [Neutral/Light] Finding Mr. Cuddles (Dray & Succubus Blake)

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