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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn


    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
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      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Admin Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:53 pm

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn 2m46s9f


      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn 2928eiv
    The rules of the tournament are to be followed to the letter. No one is exempt from these rules. The only time a rule may be overruled is if both parties agree to the change.

    #1.) Everyone must fight all participants at least once. If someone drops out, all future scheduled combats are claimed as a win by default.

    #2.) All fights will be prescheduled in a predetermined area. Participants cannot change where they fight that match, however they may influence the area if agreed upon.

    #3.) Based on the rules of each individual fighter, they may risk their lives to raise the stakes. A Medical team will be present at every match unless both participants decide otherwise. The offical terms for this are as followed:

    Mortal's Edge: No medical team will be present at the match. As a result, it is possible for either participant to lose their lives. They however will receive double the prize money, and an additional Experience Reward.

    High Calibur: The more common method of engagement. A medical team will be present at the event. After the fight, lives will be restored and all injuries will be mended and recovered. The fighters will only receive a monetary reward.

    #4.) No pets, companions or intrusions will be permitted at any event. The only exception is an agreement between both fighters.

    #5.) Both participants must be active for both the fight and rewards. Failure to post in a timely fashion will have various consequences.
    After 48 hours, the last post made will count as an "Auto-Hit" and the fight will carry out as if that post is the truth, and cannot be interrupted or changed.
    After 72 hours, the inactive participant will receive a warning post by any member. This is to remind them that they have a thread that needs attention.
    After 108 hours, the participant who did not post will lose by default, regardless of the condition of the fight.

    #6.) Both fighters must be posting at least 100 words per post. Their posts may no exceed 1,500 Words. Should either of these rules be broken, their post may be up for being edited, or voided entirely.

    #7.) Anyone is allowed to spectate the fight. Spectators will have no effect on the fight at all. They may post once every 24 hours from their last post. However, if the current user is in another fight that is currently going on, they may not spectate.

    An arena placed inside the large building where most of the festivities are held. It overlooks many of the celebrations. The arena itself is caged off from both the participants leaving, and from celebrators from influencing the fight. To leave the caged area is to declare forfeit by default. The arena is octagonal, and is 100m wide. There are three of these areas located in the center of the building. Lights illuminate the flooring.


    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Gamer

    Lineage : The Green Man
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 282
    Sacred Shards : 4
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 5

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Ryn Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:05 pm

    She couldn't help but sigh at the sight of the small child. She was thirty or so meters away from the girl, and the same distance from the walls of the arena behind her. "Three thirds." she thought to herself. It was the standard for this battle. And with medics sent from both ends of the world, death was impossible in this world. They were mortals playing as god's gladiators, and they volunteered for it. Ryn needed to get the money for her own well being. This event was the only way she could make money in Pandora. Everyone treated the Viri like trash, like monsters. It was never the same since mortals walked around in this world.

    "Hey kid!" she called out. She knew the signal wasn't given yet, but there was no rules about talking, were there? "Don't go easy on me, okay?" She smiled. Children were so cute. She needed the money for food, but it wasn't worth hurting a kid over, even if her wounds would be healed after.

    "Hades," she whispered to herself, "Give me strength."
    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Mei Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:30 pm

    Mei stood wearing a green, short sleeved dress. It reached to the tops of her knees and had a brown belt to go across its stomach. However, Mei had other plans in mind rather than just using it as decoration. The small child had come up with the idea of stuffing the pink bunny in the belt. It wrapped around his stomach and was tight enough to keep him from falling out from any physical movement. Mei had been talking to him in a whisper the whole time they stood inside this large arena because she was afraid of getting into any kind of trouble.

    Brown eyes would soon shoot upwards to look at the person standing far away from Mei. Mei didn't know how far she just knew it was far. The lady had started speaking to her. Mei figured it was alright to talk now that this lady had and she didn't get yelled at. "I'll do my bestest!" Mei had only been told to stay still until she was told she could move. She also knew that when she was told she could move that she was supposed to fight this lady. Mei didn't want to fight her because she was pretty. Then again, Captain Hoppy said to and the lady said it would be ok. So, Mei would. Speaking of Captain Hoppy, "Hey Pretty Lady! Can Captain Hoppy stay, please? He won't cause no trouble. I promise. He'll be good," Mei would call almost in a pleading manner.

    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Gamer

    Lineage : The Green Man
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 282
    Sacred Shards : 4
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 5

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Ryn Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:41 pm

    It was something started years ago on the mortal world of Earth. But before then, she knew what Hades brought himself to do for entertainment. There was few souls he kept for his amusement, and this bout would be just the same event.

    But now, under Kaseki's rule, under Aknaid's organization, there was more to it than existing. All her mind was set on was getting her next meal. "I don't have to be number one." she thought to herself, "I just have to be enough."

    Hearing the child's voice, she smiled a bit, her hands at her side, resting, not sure what to expect. "Sure!" she would call out happily. There was rules against pets, but not summons. Judging by the looks, it didn't seem alive, so it would be a harmless bunny. But then again, both Hades and Kaseki seemed to be normal people. . until she actually talked to them.

    I really hope I don't get eaten alive today. . . she said to herself softly, "Please don't be a demon child. Please don't be a demon child. . . . "


    And then it would begin.
    Nissa Drax
    Nissa Drax

    LET IT BURN!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Dinviri

    Lineage : Experiment : 626
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 334
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 65

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Nissa Drax Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:00 pm

    "So this moron finally entered, eh?" She couldn't help but laugh at the thought. Ryn was the weakest Viri to walk this world. All of them were creatures of chaos, yet she wanted to preach peace, but now she stands in a cage, here to fight a child.

    "She loses either way. If she wins, she beat up a kid. If she loses, she got beat by a kid." She scoffed at it all. "The luck of an idiot."

    Nissa was a Dinviri, and by default, strongest of her kin. Of the five houses, she was born into the Drax household. To other Viri, that name alone was fear itself. But not she would watch the biggest loser fail at something else. "Pitiful." she thought to herself.

    She was glad she didn't have to pay for such good seats.
    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Mei Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:03 pm

    Mei would stand still petting her bunny as she stared at the pretty lady. She hoped the pretty lady would let Captain Hoppy stay. He was her bestest friend and she didn't know what to do without him. She felt safe with him there on her. She felt happier when she could fight with him by her side. Mei liked having someone to encourage her while she was doing something she needed it for.

    When the pretty lady had told Mei that she could keep the bunny, she would make a high pitched squealing sound and clap her hands. "Captain Hoppy! This is gonna be so much fun! But... I don't wanna hurt pretty lady... but she said to be strong with her.. but... What? I can't just ignore it... But... yeah ok.." It was always a mystery to others around Mei as to what her stuffed friend could be saying but in her mind, he spoke as loud as she.

    Soon, the word would be said to fight. Mei would look around and take a step forward. She didn't get yelled at. "Do I go now? I can fight pretty lady?" Mei would look to the left, then to the right, and the straight towards where the pretty lady had been standing. She was looking for a more definite answer. Mei didn't like getting in trouble.

    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Gamer

    Lineage : The Green Man
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 282
    Sacred Shards : 4
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 5

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Ryn Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:38 pm

    Without a second thought, she begun to run at the child. She wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't a Feyviri or Dinviri, and thus had little to magic powers, if at all. She was smart to say the least, but she was weak. She only hoped that the girl would move out of the way, or try to throw an attack at her.

    "Maybe she can learn how to fight from this." Ryn thought to herself, ". . . but what if SHE's the expect at combat?"

    She begun to scream internally, as she sprinted at the child. Would she kick her? Would she tackle her? What was her plan?

    . . . Did she even have a plan?
    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Mei Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:35 pm

    Mei would blink as she saw the pretty lady running for her. It seemed the child had gotten her answer. It was definitely time to fight. Mei believed in herself mostly because the whole time Captain Hoppy had been cheering her on and didn't stop even now.

    The child would put her hands behind her back a moment after the pretty lady had begun running. Instantly after doing so, 2 inch ice claws would protrude from the young girl's finger nails. Brown yes stared at the woman wide with fear. Mei seemed almost as if she were a statue. Mei didn't know if pretty lady was going to run all the way to her so she would wait. If the pretty lady did keep coming, Mei would wait until the pretty lady was about 5 feet away before she would remove her hands from behind her back. Her arms would be held straight out in front of her and her claws would be facing the direction the pretty lady would be coming.

    My Spell and MP:

    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Gamer

    Lineage : The Green Man
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 282
    Sacred Shards : 4
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 5

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Ryn Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:46 pm

    She continued to run at the girl. She seemed to have some sort of plan. Her hands disapeared behind her back, and Ryn was stricken with fear. "OHGODWHY. She thought to herself, "SHEHADAWEAPONTHISWHOLETIME.

    Running at the girl, she didn't know what to do. Just as she would get closer, her hands would show large ice claws, like a hellspawn. She freaked out and closed her eyes, only to reach down and grab the first thing possible. She hoped the girl wouldn't each the flesh on her hand, and she would jump over the child when close. When possible, she would vault over the girl only to end up behind her. . . . with a bunny in hand?
    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Mei Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:07 pm

    Brown eyes widened more as she watched the pretty lady grab her best friend. Brown eyes watched the stuffed toy the whole time the pretty lady was jumping over her. Mei's small body would quickly twist in the direction the pretty lady would land and she took a large gasp of air in. As soon as the pretty lady would land, a bloodcurdling scream would escape from the small Dragon Slayers mouth. Her eyes were full of terror and anger.

    As Mei screamed, she would run at the pretty lady as fast as she could. She would slash and slice at the pretty lady in random patterns with her ice claws. "HE DOESNT BELONG TO YOU! I WONT LET YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME! GIVE HIM BACK!" Mei would scream in anger. Her voice held quite a growl for a young child. NOBODY touched Mei's best friend without permission and got away with it. NOBODY would ever separate her from her best friend. She would much rather murder someone than be left alone. She wouldn't let Captain Hoppy be hurt again. Never... Never.. Never..

    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty
    The Gamer

    Lineage : The Green Man
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 282
    Sacred Shards : 4
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 5

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Ryn Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:15 pm

    She sat there, crouched, holding the stuffed toy, confused at what her goal was to begin with. What was she reaching for? What would the bunny even do? Was she trying to make the girl cry? There was no explanation to anything.

    But then a loud scream could be heard from the child. It was demonic, inhuman and made no sense on how something so small, could be so loud. Overwhelmed, she would drop the toy, only to fall forward, away from it all, to land on her face. It was over. It was all over.

    And all she did was faint.

    How embarrassing.

    I'm Important Too!   [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
    Sacred Shards : ?
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    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Admin Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:17 pm

    WINNER :

    10 EXP

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      [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Mei v. Ryn

    Post by Sponsored content

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