Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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    Org Shop Update

    Natsu VIP

    How It's Made Terraforming Org Shop Update Empty Org Shop Update Empty
    Son of The Demon of Life || Father of the Demon of Logic

    Lineage : Demon of Time
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 864
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 118440

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Aknaid
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Primary Magic: Art of Mummification

    Org Shop Update Empty Org Shop Update

    Post by Andr01d Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:33 pm

    New shop data is currently:

    Org Shop Update Orgshop

    Org Shop Update Cooltext1812294027

    Dark Organization
    - 25,000 Coins

    Light Organization
    - 500,000 Coins

    Purchasing an Organization
    Organization Name: (What is the name of your Org?)
    Organization Location: (What kingdom is your Org located?)
    Organization Founder: (Who will be the starting leader of the org?)
    Organization Alignment: (Dark or Light?)
    Brief History: (200 words. You may be asked to make this a separate post upon approval)
    Organization Goals: (50 words, what is the goals of your org?)

    Purchasing an Organization
    [b]Organization Name:[/b] (What is the name of your Org?)
    [b]Organization Location:[/b] (What kingdom is your Org located?)
    [b]Organization Founder:[/b] (Who will be the starting leader of the org?)
    [b]Organization Alignment:[/b] (Dark or Light?)
    [b]Brief History:[/b] (200 words. You may be asked to make this a separate post upon approval)
    [b]Organization Goals:[/b] (50 words, what is the goals of your org?)
    Org Shop Update Cooltext1812294354
    Ace Slots are for Organizations to promote their own members to a higher power. each org can have a max of 5 Ace Slots, and each organization starts off with 2. Each Ace position can only access one Organization Spell/Ability. Aces do not receive an EXP bonus, but are allowed to ascend to H-Class and above. Should they leave the guild, they may be reset to S-Class.

    - Extra Ace Slots
    500,000 Coins

    Name of Organization: (What is your Org called?)
    Ace Slots purchasing: (How many slots are you buying?)
    Total Cost: (How much does it cost?)

    [b]Name of Organization:[/b] (What is your Org called?)
    [b]Ace Slots purchasing:[/b] (How many slots are you buying?)
    [b]Total Cost:[/b] (How much does it cost?)
    Org Shop Update Cooltext1812294649
    Organization Spells are special abilities unique to the group. these spells will be themed around the Organization leader or the Organization itself. Each Organization will be allowed a maximum of 5 spell slots. These spells are all accessible by the leader themselves. Each ace will be allowed to learn one org spell, and no two aces may learn the same spell. These spells are not to be abused, and made to benefit the group as a whole and not just as an extension to the leader. Should any Organization Leader be caught in this action, the spell(s) will be archived, and no coins will be refunded. (Users must be the appropriate Class to use the spell.)

    Slots 1-3 : 300,000 Coins each
    Slots 4-5 : 500,000 Coins each

    Spell Template:
    Name: What is the name of your spell?
    Rank: What rank is your spell?
    Description: Same as magic, but narrowed down to just this one spell.
    Strengths: What are the strengths of this spell. Provide at least 2
    Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of this spell? Provide one more weakness than your strengths.
    Duration: How long does the spell last?
    Cooldown: How long does it take until you can use the spell again?
    [b]Name:[/b] What is the name of your spell?
    [b]Rank:[/b] What rank is your spell?
    [b]Description:[/b] Same as magic, but narrowed down to just this one spell.
    [b]Strengths:[/b] What are the strengths of this spell. Provide at least 2
    [b]Weaknesses:[/b] What are the weaknesses of this spell? Provide one more weakness than your strengths.
    [b]Duration:[/b] How long does the spell last?
    [b]Cooldown:[/b] How long does it take until you can use the spell again?

    Jutsu Template:
    Name: What is the name of your Jutsu?
    Rank: What rank is your Jutsu?
    Element: Does this require the user to have an element, or is it non-elemental?
    Type: What kind of Jutsu is it? (Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu,or  Ijutsu?)
    Charge: What is needed to cast this jutsu? How many hand signs and in what order?
    Description: Same as magic, but narrowed down to just this one Jutsu.
    Strengths: What are the strengths of this spell. Provide at least 2
    Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of this spell? Provide one more weakness than your strengths.
    Duration: How long does the Jutsu last?
    Cooldown: How long does it take until you can use the Jutsu again?

    [b]Name:[/b] What is the name of your Jutsu?
    [b]Rank:[/b] What rank is your Jutsu?
    [b]Element:[/b] Does this require the user to have an element, or is it non-elemental?
    [b]Type:[/b] What kind of Jutsu is it? (Fuinjutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu,or  Ijutsu?)
    [b]Charge:[/b] What is needed to cast this jutsu? How many hand signs and in what order?
    [b]Description:[/b] Same as magic, but narrowed down to just this one Jutsu.
    [b]Strengths:[/b] What are the strengths of this spell. Provide at least 2
    [b]Weaknesses:[/b] What are the weaknesses of this spell? Provide one more weakness than your strengths.
    [b]Duration:[/b] How long does the Jutsu last?
    [b]Cooldown:[/b] How long does it take until you can use the Jutsu again?
    Org Shop Update Cooltext1812294844
    All organizations start off with a House sized base. This space can be divided as seen fit. The number of rooms is up to the creator of the organization. All organizations are empty until filled with items. (EX: Just because you make a massive castle, does not grant you a massive armory UNLESS you make the items.) Social rooms, such as bed rooms and taverns are up to the creator. All Town+ expansions will be made into sections. These will be private should they be located in the organization, or public, should they be elsewhere on the site.

    Hut Sized Expansion : 50,000 Coins
    House Sized Expansion : 75,000 Coins
    Town Sized Expansion : 100,000 Coins
    Castle Sized Expansion : 150,000
    City Sized Expansion : 250,000
    State Sized Expansion : 500,000
    Country Sized Expansion : 1,000,000

    Organization: What is the name of your group?
    Expansion: Which purchase are you making?
    Image: Please provide an image for your section
    Name: What is the name of this new section?
    Information: What is this section? Describe it. 50 Words max

    [b]Organization:[/b] What is the name of your group?
    [b]Expansion:[/b] Which purchase are you making?
    [b]Image:[/b] Please provide an image for your section
    [b]Name:[/b] What is the name of this new section?
    [b]Information:[/b] What is this section? Describe it. 50 Words max
    Org Shop Update Cooltext1812294999
    It is a given that every organization will have a few NPCs walking around, tending to the leader and the members. These NPCs however, cannot aid in any form of combat, and exist entirely for plot reasons. Before considering buying a massive guardian, or a private army, take in consideration the size of your base. Each expansion offers a different amount of NPCs, all who are regarded at a lower level than your typical F-Class mage.

    Hut Sized Expansion : 5 NPC
    House Sized Expansion : 10 NPC
    Town Sized Expansion : 50 NPC
    Castle Sized Expansion : 100 NPC
    City Sized Expansion : 500 NPC
    State Sized Expansion : 2,500 NPC
    Country Sized Expansion : 5,000 NPC

    There are many versions of pets/guards you can buy for your organization. Each offering different powers, skills, and different restrictions. You must be able to house these pets, so please refer to the above guide before purchasing.

    Pet - (Useable by all members. Can only exist in a single thread at a time. Has no weapons or armor.) [x1] [50,000 Coins] (B-Class Max)
    Guardian - (Useable by only Aces. Can only exist in a single thread at a time. Has no weapons or armor.) [x1] [500,000 Coins] (B-Class Max)
    Unlimited Guard - (Useable by all members. Has some armor and weapons.) [x10] [1,000,000 Coins] (A-Class Max)
    Limited Guard - (Useable by only Aces. Can only exist in a single thread at a time. Has more armor and weapons) [x1] [1,500,000 Coins] (S-Class Max)
    Soldier - (Useable by all members. Is armed and dangerous. Can only exist in a single thread at a time.) [x1] [2,500,000 Coins] (S-Class Max)
    Private Army - (Useable by all members. Is armed and dangerous. ) [x100] [10,000,000 Coins] (S-Class Max)

    Name: (Name of the Pet)
    Type: (Refer to list)
    Health: (What rank is it? Refer to the guide.)
    Race: (Dog, Cat, Bear, Human...?)
    Description: (How does it look? A picture will work)
    Weapons: (List them, if any.)
    Armor: (List them, if any.)
    Abilities: (List them, if any.)

    [b]Name:[/b] (Name of the Pet)
    [b]Type:[/b] (Refer to list)
    [b]Health:[/b] (What rank is it? Refer to the guide.)
    [b]Race:[/b] (Dog, Cat, Bear, Human...?)
    [b]Description:[/b] (How does it look? A picture will work)
    [b]Weapons:[/b] (List them, if any.)
    [b]Armor:[/b] (List them, if any.)
    [b]Abilities:[/b] (List them, if any.)

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:55 pm