Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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Welcome Guest! Your last visit was . You have made 118 posts! Please welcome our newest member, Amaihana!

    Akihiro Blade

    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Shinigami VIP

    Shocking! LET IT BURN! Shadowstep Akihiro Blade Empty

    Lineage : Strength of The Abyss
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 994
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : B
    Level : 25
    Experience : 1100

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Lilinette Q. Mido
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Elemental golem creation

    Akihiro Blade Empty Akihiro Blade

    Post by Lilinette Q. Mido Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:40 pm

    Name: Akihiro Blade
    Type: Iron/Steel Golem
    Rank: Sacred
    Description: Akihro is Lilinetts oldest friend. A cat, none the less, who stuck around with Lilinette for many years after her parents had passed. Of course, Lilinette was an immortal being, and Akihiro was not. When Akihiro was on the verge of death, Lilinette infused him with Iron and rubber, turning him into an immortal golem, just like her. Akihiro typically takes the shape Lilinettes umbrella, and can typically be used as a shield to help guard her from attacks. Of course, there are times where he can take the form of a fairly large black and white house cat, but most of the time, when he is not being used as an umbrella, he is being used as a great sword.
    Length: Sword is 5 feet long.
    Weight: 1'5" long.
    ~ Umbrella Form: Practically weightless
    ~ Cat Form: 45 pounds
    ~ Sword Form: 70 pounds. Lilinette must hold the blade with her left hand, sense that is composed of condensed shadow energy and can swing the sword with much ease.
    - Keeps Lilinette Company when bored.
    - Great for both offense and defense
    - In cat and umbrella form, Akihiro is unable to be used for melee purposes.
    - No real magical abilities other then his 3 forms of shape shifting.
    - Can only be used by Lilinette. This is both a weakness and a strength, sense if Lilinette is unable to wield Akihiro, then this great ally is unable to be used at all. Considering killing two birds with one stone.
    - If Akihiro suffers from more then 3 S-rank hits, he is knocked out till the end of the thread.
    - Akihiro can talk.
    - Akihiro can transform from a shielding umbrella, to a large cat, or even a sword!
    - Cannot be broken/Killed
    - Can Deal damage equal to the rank of Lilinette (Up to S-rank)
    - Umbrella can shield from up to 3 S-ranked hits

    Last edited by Lilinette Q. Mido on Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Shinigami VIP

    Shocking! LET IT BURN! Shadowstep Akihiro Blade Empty

    Lineage : Strength of The Abyss
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 994
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : B
    Level : 25
    Experience : 1100

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Lilinette Q. Mido
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Elemental golem creation

    Akihiro Blade Empty Re: Akihiro Blade

    Post by Lilinette Q. Mido Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:41 pm

    Completion Bump! And here is the link to prove i purchased it.


    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
    Sacred Shards :
    Class : Ω
    Level :
    Experience :

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    Akihiro Blade Empty Re: Akihiro Blade

    Post by Kaseki Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:42 pm

    Your forms in your strengths, are abilities. Please edit.
    Shinigami VIP

    I'm Important Too! Akihiro Blade Empty

    Lineage : Martyr's Soul
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 1022
    Sacred Shards : 16
    Class : C
    Level : 23
    Experience : 10870

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Fetus
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Primary Magic: Dog

    Akihiro Blade Empty Re: Akihiro Blade

    Post by Fetus Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:29 am

    App pulled, scaling is no longer viable.

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    Akihiro Blade Empty Re: Akihiro Blade

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