Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei


    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Admin Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:57 pm

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei 2m46s9f


    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei 2928eiv
    The rules of the tournament are to be followed to the letter. No one is exempt from these rules. The only time a rule may be overruled is if both parties agree to the change.

    #1.) Everyone must fight all participants at least once. If someone drops out, all future scheduled combats are claimed as a win by default.

    #2.) All fights will be prescheduled in a predetermined area. Participants cannot change where they fight that match, however they may influence the area if agreed upon.

    #3.) Based on the rules of each individual fighter, they may risk their lives to raise the stakes. A Medical team will be present at every match unless both participants decide otherwise. The offical terms for this are as followed:

    Mortal's Edge: No medical team will be present at the match. As a result, it is possible for either participant to lose their lives. They however will receive double the prize money, and an additional Experience Reward.

    High Calibur: The more common method of engagement. A medical team will be present at the event. After the fight, lives will be restored and all injuries will be mended and recovered. The fighters will only receive a monetary reward.

    #4.) No pets, companions or intrusions will be permitted at any event. The only exception is an agreement between both fighters.

    #5.) Both participants must be active for both the fight and rewards. Failure to post in a timely fashion will have various consequences.
    After 48 hours, the last post made will count as an "Auto-Hit" and the fight will carry out as if that post is the truth, and cannot be interrupted or changed.
    After 72 hours, the inactive participant will receive a warning post by any member. This is to remind them that they have a thread that needs attention.
    After 108 hours, the participant who did not post will lose by default, regardless of the condition of the fight.

    #6.) Both fighters must be posting at least 150 words per post. Their posts may no exceed 1,750 Words. Should either of these rules be broken, their post may be up for being edited, or voided entirely.

    #7.) Anyone is allowed to spectate the fight. Spectators will have no effect on the fight at all. They may post once every 24 hours from their last post. However, if the current user is in another fight that is currently going on, they may not spectate.

    An arena placed inside the large building where most of the festivities are held. It overlooks many of the celebrations. The arena itself is caged off from both the participants leaving, and from celebrators from influencing the fight. To leave the caged area is to declare forfeit by default. The arena is octagonal, and is 100m wide. There are three of these areas located in the center of the building. Lights illuminate the flooring.
    @Swordsman @Mei

    Mei has 72 hours to make first post. Failing to do so will result in a automatic loss and a strike.

    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Mei Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:56 pm

    She stood within the arena as people chartered loudly and cheered with such deafening volume. Many had seen Mei's other fights and enjoyed watching the child triumph. Others simply yelled just to follow what the rest were doing. However, Mei didn't hear a single thing. She simply stood staring at her feet. Her hands were empty. Her heart was broken. Her voice was silent. Her will was gone. All Mei wanted to do was get this tournament over with. She didn't want to care anymore. She had nobody to fight for. Her best friend had been stolen. Her Prince had been ripped from this world. Her Mother was never going to return. Her brother disappeared. She did have her big sis but their bond wasn't as great. The sad honest truth was Mei was quite ready to be stripped away from this surface. How long would this fight last? Who would win? Who would lose?

    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty
    The Bladed Man

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 64
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 50

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Swordsman Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:10 pm

    Standing there, he looked at the young girl questionably. Something seemed to bother her. He laughed a bit. She seemed so sad.

    "It's a shame." Kenpachi would speak. His arms would be crossed as he looked down at the tiny human. "Your friend dropped out the tournament to help you win, and you don't look ready to fight at all." he would laugh, ready to squash her like an insect.

    ". . . Everyone knows death is temporary. I hope he's watching. I'd like him to see me defeat his girlfriend." He spoke with evil in his tone. He wanted the cursed blades for himself. He wanted the power. This girl was just another step on his stairs to royalty.

    I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty
    You must have rolled a lot of dice...

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 5171
    Sacred Shards : ?
    Class : ?
    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by NPC Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:13 pm

    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Mei Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:02 pm

    Brown eyes continued to show nothing but the saddness that consumed her. Everything seemed so muffled, until the being in front of her spoke. His words seemed to capture more than just the child's attention. Brown eyes would quickly turn to cut him a glare. The anger evident seemed to be enough to pierce though the man's soul. What right did he have to talk about Yoshi? Especially, with such a snarky tone and disgusting laugh. As he continued, Mei's anger only rose.

    His death... temporary? That's not right? She watched him... She watched his body. They took him away. He was gone. He was dead. She watched him. He didn't go in vain. If he was alive, he would have come back to her. He couldn't be. He wouldn't make her worry like that. He wouldn't!

    The word "FIGHT," would roll throughout the arena and her small brain. Instantly, a golden aura would surround the tiny child's body and just as quickly it would turn crimson. Her eyes would fill with malicious intent. Her heart ached causing tears to stream down her face. What was she doing? Why was she acting like this? Mei would never hurt a soul, would she?

    Within moments, she was sprinting towards the man. Her first attack would be a simple series of punches. She wasn't quite sure what he could do but she didn't quite care, as long as he lost.


    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty
    The Bladed Man

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 64
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 50

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Swordsman Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:45 pm

    As the words echoed, he watched the girl begin to dart at him. She was faster than him, but that wasn't saying much. Smiling, he would jump to the side and begin to dash out of her path. It would take her some time to adjust to his new position, enough time for him to see every point and weakness in the child.

    He knew the magic that existed in her. If he could get her to expose the fury of the dragon, he would be one step closer to obtaining the magic himself. "Is that it?" he would say laughing. "Hit me like you hit him!"

    He wanted nothing more than a fight worth his time. The distance between him and her would increase and decrease with each and ever second. He would be sure to strike when the time was right.
    Magikarp VIP

    My Name's Olaf! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Genbu, The Black Tortoise
    Position : Queen of Saiyans
    Origin : Kingdom of Kai
    Posts : 518
    Sacred Shards : 41
    Class : B
    Level : 69
    Experience : 61200

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Mei Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:19 pm

    Small feet slapped hard against the ground as she trekked foreward. Somehow, the man simply diverted out of her way. The small girl would jump and land sliding on her feet across the ground as she bent down using her fingers to change her direction. Then, she would dart toward the man once more. Tears continued to poor from her eyes as they stayed open wide. Anger was there, yes, but something else could be seen. Terror? No. Persistance? Perhaps. Frustration? A tad. Blood Lust? Bingo.

    His words only drew more fury from within the small being. Her teeth clenched but it wasn't enough. She would bite her lip hard enough to draw blood and she wouldn't stop there. Soon, ice solid claws would begin to form from her small fingers. She was ready to maim this man. She would have blood. As she came closer, she would slash at him. She would jab at him. Her small living corpse would stop at nothing and move as quickly as possible.

    3 more posts:
    1 more post:

    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 894
    Sacred Shards : 7
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Kodai Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:10 pm

    72 Hour Post Warning

    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 894
    Sacred Shards : 7
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Kodai Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:59 pm

    WINNER :

    15 EXP

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Kenpachi v. Mei

    Post by Sponsored content

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