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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    The Metallic Demon Slayer

    Magikarp VIP

    How It's Made The Metallic Demon Slayer Empty

    Lineage : Demon's Heart
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 28
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 10

    The Metallic Demon Slayer Empty The Metallic Demon Slayer

    Post by Snow Sun May 01, 2016 3:11 pm

    War had begun to break out between multiple demon kingdoms. The Demon Queen, Hysteria, was doing all she could to fight multiple armies at a time. It was a free for all war. One had to be ready for the unexpected and not faulter in their strength even for a moment. The queen was continuously looking for new ways to quickly mow down the enemy and end the war. She hoped and hoped that a stronger power would emerge somewhere.. anywhere. Her troops were running thin but they still faught strong. It was becoming tough to throw out new soldiers just as recently as one died. It broke her heart, terrified her, and angered her all at once. She needed something. She needed power. She needed hope.

    Hope would be fulfilled soon. A demon had recently been born into this world with the power to enslave other being but this would also disappoint her. He could only enslave one being and then, death would fall upon him soon. Hysteria was again lost. She had hoped to enslave thousands of beings. Hundreds upon thousands, even. Alas, it just wasn't meant to be, until another idea came upon her. Hysteria out of heartache would send Abdiel, the Demon of Slaves, to find the most dangerous weapon he could possibly find at any cost. So, he did as she wished and returned with her. A single girl. A teenage girl. A heartless girl. Hysteria was enraged at first believed Abdiel to take this war as a joke, until she saw the child and the look upon her husband's features. Hysteria would accept this girl and Abdiel would soon begin training the girl.

    "Feeling nothing is your greatest advantage here. Remember that, if you can.." "I can remember things fine.""Duely noted. Anyway.. in order to win this war, I am to teach you a magic that could not only easily end the enemies lives but all of ours as well. Since you have no feeling, you won't be tempted to use it against us but there are accidents. So, just be careful with it, ok? Also, this magic must be learned in a timely manner but properly. If you were to be constantly eager, you would probably kill yourself and then we'd both die having been a disgrace. Got it?" The black haired girl would nod taking in the words but mot exactly getting them. She used them more as distractions than anything worth feeling. "Anyway, let's begin with this," the demon would hand Snow a wooden wand, which would do absolutely nothing. Wand after wand made of different elements would pass through the child's hand to no avail. A series of no's would escape the demons mouth, as Snow stared at him. Finally, they came upon a wand that instantly turned the skin of Snow... metal. "PERFECT! That's it! Lucky for you, I can teach you that one. If it had been water or fire, no way Hose." The demon would chuckle as he quickly ran to a closet to grab some equipment. "You said my name was Snow. Is it Hose now?" Brown eyes would stare at the man as he rummaged through boxes. This would make the demon sigh, "Remember our talk of expressions? That was one of them." The girl wold scratch her head and blink. [cor=#0099ff]"Right. Noted." The demon couldn't help but feel saddened at how robotic his slave was. Somtimes, he wished she had feelings. Soon, the door would close and he would drop multiple pieces of metal upon the ground, "Let's begin."

    She struggled and struggled. She tried so hard. Her goal: to turn one finger into iron. She just couldn't do it. She tried and tried, still. Snow felt no need to give up nor did she feel any need to succeed. She was simply following orders. The girl went on for days like this and for days, Abdiel grew more impatient.

    "Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you doing as I've asked?" "I'm trying.. but it stops here and I can't feel it after that," Snow would say as she pointed at the hole in her chest. Abdiel would bend down and stare into the open area, "Try it again." The girl would physically feel the magic course throughout her body, until it reached the hole, then it was gone. When Abdiel stood straight, he would walk into another room causing Snow to stand perfectly still with no thoughts or feelings at all, until he returned. "This may hurt but bear with me, ok?" Abdiel would stab a needle into the girls skin but she wouldn't move. Her face would twist into a horrid one of pain but she wouldn't make a sound. Abdiel tried to be as quick as possible and when he was done, Snow was directed to try again. So, she would and she would succeed. "With that hole, the magic was escaping your body. Now, we can return to training.

    For the next few days, Abdiel would show the girl pictures and ask her to transform at least one body part into the object. She would also be given hard metallic objects to be eaten to strengthen her power and her body. She would continue to practice when she was told and she would stop when she was forbidden to continue. The young girl would try her very hardest when asked. She would follow every order to an absolute T, especially when it came to combat.

    For her last test, Snow was challenged to defeat and kill her master. "This test is really as you wish it to be?" The girl would ask as brown eyes stared into the red eyes of this demonic man. "It is as I order," he would reply with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "I may not understand emotions but I can read the expressions you would call bad. Yours is one. Are you sure you want me to follow your order?" Brown eyes would stare empty into the eyes of the sad demon. "Yes!" He would respond with a loud yell, as he ran towards the emotionless being. She would stand still waiting as he came close. Her order was simply to kill, so she would do everything possible in her memory base. The girl would change her fist into a hammer and swing it toward the man, as he got closer. However, he would jump back evading the girl and throw a punch her way. She would turn her face into iron, as her hand reverted back to human form. A crack could be heard as the demon broke his hand upon the metal surface of Snow's face. He would hold his hand and attempt to jump back but it was too late. A metal sword came down upon the front of the demon and he would collapse to the ground. Her hand would change to a knife as she approached her master. She would pick him up into her lap, his head cradled on her right arm, and she would raise the knife to his neck.

    "Wait," he would speak and Snow would stop. As of now, he was still her master. "You were an excellent student. I know you may not understand this now but you were like a sister to me, ya know? I had one once. I saved my life for her but mine was still too wretched. You were the only good thing left for me. You were the only thing I had left to care for, even if my life was short lived. You were special and still can be. I'm sorry to have doomed you to this life but I want you to do one thing for me. Find your heart and free yourself from this emptiness. That is my last order, understand?" Brown eyes would stare into the pain filled eyes of the man in her lap. The girl would nod, "I will fulfill your last order, master." The man would laugh a bit before stopping abruptly, "Keep it confidential. Bury me after I die. Oh.. and when you think of me, think of me as your brother." The man would smile and speak once more, "Two Be Freed." His hand would envelope her cold, iron wrist and stand himself through the head. Dead.

    After the death of her master, the teen had noticed a tattoo of a woman in shackles would appear where her hole had been sewn. Snow would shrug and fulfill her master's wishes. She would bury him. She would then go to retrieve her heart but find it nowhere in her castle. Snow would find herself wandering to the queen's castle in search of such a piece. However, she would find nothing there but preparation for battle. Snow would soon be sent out into the battlefield to destroy the enemy her master spoke of. She would use her newly learned power to slay demons. Her magic: Metal Demon Slaying Magic. As she cut down foes, more and more marks would appear on her body. She would gain one mark for each demon. She would become Hyseria's best fighter and soon the only one. Hysteria would have to enter the war herself alongside Snow White, the Demon of Variety.

      Current date/time is Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:58 am