Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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Welcome Guest! Your last visit was . You have made 118 posts! Please welcome our newest member, Amaihana!

    New kid on the block

    Hiro Yamanaka
    Hiro Yamanaka

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 14
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    New kid on the block Empty New kid on the block

    Post by Hiro Yamanaka Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:19 am

    Hey people. How are y'all doing?

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : N/A
    Position : None
    Origin : N/A
    Posts : 17
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 150

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Neptune Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:41 am

    Wonderful. Welcome, Welcome! Come on over to the discord sometimes.
    Hiro Yamanaka
    Hiro Yamanaka

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 14
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Hiro Yamanaka Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:43 am

    Aye thanks! Already on there. (Aku Lord of THICC)

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty
    The Corrupt

    Lineage : Heart of The Volcano
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 117
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : C
    Level : 76
    Experience : 117055

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by MZaroff Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:15 am

    It's me, BLT!~
    Hiro Yamanaka
    Hiro Yamanaka

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 14
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Hiro Yamanaka Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:23 am





    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty
    The Corrupt

    Lineage : Heart of The Volcano
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 117
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : C
    Level : 76
    Experience : 117055

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by MZaroff Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:32 am

    and not much! If ya ever need a hand, just let me know! I ish mod here XD
    Hiro Yamanaka
    Hiro Yamanaka

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 14
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Hiro Yamanaka Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:39 am

    Aye thanks! I'll remember that. ^^
    Sakura VIP

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty New kid on the block Empty New kid on the block Empty
    Momma Aki~

    Lineage : Weather Master
    Position : Sharingan
    Origin : Wonderland
    Posts : 916
    Sacred Shards : 5
    Class : B
    Level : 50
    Experience : 5850

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Akira
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Fire Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Akira Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:14 am

    Hi there! Im Momma Akira! You can call me.. Akira.. or Mother.. or Crazy Lady, why are you talking to me? (Get that a lot. Lol jk) Just whatever floats your boat. Anyway, welcome to UL! If you ever need anyome to post with or have any questions I am here to help! (I have tons of alts so just ask and you shall receive posts!) Hope you have fun!
    Hiro Yamanaka
    Hiro Yamanaka

    I'm Important Too! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Voice of God
    Position : None
    Origin : Forgotten Isles
    Posts : 14
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 0

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Hiro Yamanaka Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:34 am

    Haha, nice to meet ya mum o: Thanks and I'll be looking forward to it! I am curious to see all these alts of yours.
    Shini Chikai
    Shini Chikai
    Luffy VIP

    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind Shocking! New kid on the block Empty

    Lineage : Weather Master
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 1341
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : B
    Level : 27
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Shini Chikai
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: Jutsu

    New kid on the block Empty Re: New kid on the block

    Post by Shini Chikai Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:33 pm

    New kid on the block Coolte10

    Unknown Lands
    [un·known lands]
    /ənˈnōn lands/

    1. A place where the unexpected occur.

    2. A Free/Alternate-Universe Roleplay Forum where most members of the roleplay community end up when other communities begin to deteriorate.

    Just the owner on an alt~

    You'll come to know me as the puppet master, both IC and OOC. When in doubt, It's Kaseki~

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