Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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    [Light] Graffiti Panic!


    I'm Important Too! [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
    Sacred Shards : ?
    Class :
    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty [Light] Graffiti Panic!

    Post by Admin Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:44 pm

    You must be in a Light Organization to take this mission

    Quest Giver:
    [Light] Graffiti Panic! _6nge_10Name : Mayor Link
    Alignment: Light
    Bio: The mayor of Toonville is nothing more than everything the previous leader, Zeon Eldia isn't. (or in this case, wasn't.) He wants only the best for his people and always does do without a controversial opinion. He simply gets things done, something not always the cleanest of methods but it's nothing the townsfolk really care about anyways. . . right?

    Job Title: Graffiti Panic!

    Job Requirements: 1-3 B-Ranked Mages, Light Organization Members Only. 150 words per post, 20 posts; defeat the painter-mage and bring him to justice.
    Job Location: Toonville, Toon Plaza

    Job Description: A group of evil toons have formed a gang, the Spray Squad, under the guidance of a feared painter-mage, and have been spreading their evil graffiti throughout Toonville. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue, but the painter-mage's magic is bringing the paintings to life and allowing them to wreak havoc! Confront the Spray Squad's leader and bring an end to his artistic tyranny!


    Weak: Living Graffiti x3. These are the paintings created by the Spray Squad gang; they aren't very strong, but they can cause a mess. They deal D-Rank damage and are destroyed by D-Rank damage, but they are immune to AoE attacks.

    Normal: Gang Member x2. These are two of the Spray Squad's flunkies; they aren't particularly nasty, but they can cause a surprise for the unprepared. They wield knives that deal B-Rank damage, but only deal C-Rank damage if disarmed; they can be defeated with a B-Rank hit.

    Strong: Spray Goon. These Spray Squad members are stronger, and the painter-mage has trusted them with one of his patented Spray-Alive monster graffiti paints. They wield the same knives as the Gang Members and deal the same damage, but they can also create one Living Graffiti per post if they have access to a flat surface. Takes two B-Rank hits to defeat.

    Boss: The painter-mage. The leader of the Spray Squad is a rather powerful and scheming wizard, preferring to let his minions to the dirty work. He takes 3 B-rank hits to defeat. He has several abilities:

    • Spray-Alive: Similar to the Spray Goons, the painter-mage can create a Living Graffiti a post if given access to a flat surface.

    • Graffiti-nade: the painter-mage throws a paint grenade that explodes and coats a 15 meter area around the explosion. It deals B-Rank damage from the explosion, and players who are in the paint zone will find their movement speed slowed by half. This spell has a five post cooldown, and the paint zone lasts three posts.

    • Artistic Scepter: The painter-mage's weapon is a paintbrush shaped wand; it allows him to replace his basic attacks with bursts of magical paint, dealing B-Rank damage. However, he can only attack like this once per post.

    Reward: 90 EXP, 10,000 coins

    [b]Usernames:[/b] (Who is going on the Mission?)
    [b]Location:[/b] (Where are you going to complete your mission?)
    [b]Class:[/b] (What classes are the participants?)
    Natsu VIP

    How It's Made Terraforming [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty
    Son of The Demon of Life || Father of the Demon of Logic

    Lineage : Demon of Time
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 864
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 118440

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Aknaid
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Primary Magic: Art of Mummification

    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty Re: [Light] Graffiti Panic!

    Post by Andr01d Sat May 09, 2015 4:10 pm

    Usernames: Andr01d
    Location: De Fiore, Oak Town
    Class: S
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Shinigami VIP

    Shocking! LET IT BURN! Shadowstep [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty

    Lineage : Strength of The Abyss
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 994
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : B
    Level : 25
    Experience : 1100

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Lilinette Q. Mido
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Elemental golem creation

    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty Re: [Light] Graffiti Panic!

    Post by Lilinette Q. Mido Sat May 09, 2015 4:29 pm

    Andr01d wrote:Usernames: Andr01d
    Location: De Fiore, Oak Town
    Class: S

    This is your last job spot till you finish This is Halloween!, Licence to Kill, or Burger Flipping. But you can take this one as well.

    Have fun and don't tire yourself out :)
    Natsu VIP

    How It's Made Terraforming [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty
    Son of The Demon of Life || Father of the Demon of Logic

    Lineage : Demon of Time
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 864
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 118440

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Aknaid
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Primary Magic: Art of Mummification

    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty Re: [Light] Graffiti Panic!

    Post by Andr01d Sat May 09, 2015 4:30 pm

    Lilinette Q. Mido wrote:
    Andr01d wrote:Usernames: Andr01d
    Location: De Fiore, Oak Town
    Class: S

    This is your last job spot till you finish This is Halloween!, Licence to Kill, or Burger Flipping. But you can take this one as well.

    Have fun and don't tire yourself out :)


    That is not the location of the job.

    Always make sure that the requirements and the request is filled out correctly.
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Lilinette Q. Mido
    Shinigami VIP

    Shocking! LET IT BURN! Shadowstep [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty

    Lineage : Strength of The Abyss
    Position : None
    Origin : Urban City
    Posts : 994
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : B
    Level : 25
    Experience : 1100

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Lilinette Q. Mido
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: Elemental golem creation

    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty Re: [Light] Graffiti Panic!

    Post by Lilinette Q. Mido Sat May 09, 2015 4:31 pm

    my bad >.<

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    [Light] Graffiti Panic! Empty Re: [Light] Graffiti Panic!

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