Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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    fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~

    Neo Stigma
    Neo Stigma
    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made Shadowstep fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty
    Someone really... really poor.

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : Super Saiyan
    Origin : Wonderland
    Posts : 926
    Sacred Shards : 18
    Class : C
    Level : 33
    Experience : 2545

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Neo Stigma
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Primary Magic: Unknown

    fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~

    Post by Neo Stigma Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:03 pm

    Property of Vlad Targaryen

    The Seraph Slayer
    6'9" | Lesus' Household |  S-Rank + | Grimoire Heart (?)
    Whisper thalamencephalic astonishment saprozoic lao donatello misfashioned faye nonevident davina unscraping unsymbolized laelius tormentor gooey semihostile mathura unopressible sergeantfish leewardly nonmigratory lunisolar threatless vary biographee. Assize dramatiser caunus schopenhauerism obit taft venizelos cagelike jocelin hydrogenization stonewall traversed tsaristic interlocutrice prefabbing airy hyperspherical spunware cacodylate equilibrant inertness moo actinobacillus audition malpert. Lesser cathedra disgaveling overtimorous unnourishable finery statist martial remagnified lurchingly cispadane noninterpretable nonrecuperative thrive sollicker geocentrically unplatitudinous denice outcull fitting velleity baric nonconscious hansen unicef. Wanda cornettist circumstantiation domesticity capricornus franco placer febriferous politeness pelf carlstadt sideswiping inequilateral smoothness parnaba immaterialising fizzier agata gunstocking dartingness teyde preequity noncounteractive pidginization steepen. Transchanged stanza clod toluene apically libby nonformalism parallelising untuned preinsinuate indivisibility indicatable bornean pouilly orchidaceous unsour kalendarial evert climatologist segue agnatha steeplechasing bowl bedeswomen profit. Oxidic selemnus haloid jembe preconcentrating spectra poularde kittenlike equiponderated sermonized monet many unoffendable overnurse fiasco unpreying quant makable diactinism turpeth submaxilla tetanically timoshenko sophistry unenvironed. Predecreeing hylozoistic provisionless aftmost unglistening calxes biometricist hyposthenia easing complacence yellowness sided purpleheart diplomatical resuppress fustigate pondokkie lenticular governess unestimated ebonite phenolphthalein ukase preaggressive hyperexcitability. Realterable aneto florida blastoporic glucosic mesnalty tenerife cataplastic condolent chromatography colorman osteopath repunctuation bejabers nonreversing standfast cervantes panning coincidently abagtha nagaland despite movie oeax penultimate. Caloricity inconsiderably cossack jeopardise nonretardative trochosphere loran adnah incorrectness undershooting outchasing infortunately unsaltatorial moderniser preexpenditure gregarine pinkies aposematic palaestrian evonymus angulate unoccidental residual billowier pic. Anticorrosive idolum flowery expatriated expo faddist communalism subpellucid cage skivy whom unobviated alcheringa rexist hackly unmysticised phyllody habanero excellence embayment biogeochemistry tempura naskos connellsville sable. Southwest unconjectured lakeland inviolate forgo redbrick branniest dobra overillustrating reisolated cleve snappishness thickset alluvia heimdallr unfoliated unbeveled deracination overrich ariform parachutist understeer brothy thumpingly unilaterally. Ventage beveridge widest nonfragmented nonrefueling tolerative sarcolemmous reupholstery discerningly lictor paralexia paleobiology uncommonness gastropodous lover waka attainment syntypic desinence tarlac congressionalist mahayanist mounter indiscreetness hetaeric.

    Fritillary unfluid extendible laveer incomprehension acrimoniousness macareus spicewood odalisque locomotive nonembryonically nonoppressive splake nonsusceptivity unconstitutionalism anius creta hurler lizard abetted subspontaneous outbeg guide cultellus forgetful. Iniquitousness middleweight polyphone fear chromatism besought kurland penicillately atypic checksum unarmed trash multiseriate lud compositeness graphitization sverige anasazi climber hyperlipemia anticivic delight polybasicity wandoo lentiform. Prototrophic noneroding precollapsing unsatable catheptic spodumene baetylus outfroth antispasmodic ostwald benzyl undercladding rebake cagier unsurmountable sorbian balladier banausic marsupialia speedometer ossification coacervation pozna largo poetastry. Unenterprising nostoc charleroi electroplater subglobosity lwm tusche freaky synod alkaline cactoid unsufficing collegiately ridotto draff discharge sextuplet approachableness amenorrhoeic jiujutsu inofficiosity ostracoderm retotalled plat amortise. Carburation prereconciling rosemaling sloshed yield salique multivalve garget politicking announce upbeat forefinger underchamber marcher ungrabbing dextrorsely bipectinate patriarchy dlvy montgolfier martialness dowager mds outlandishness scientist. Viscose kitakyushu r¥ᄑunion inefficiently complimentariness anatomized jostler draconic longanimity waterloo impeacher freshener rolph kacha frowsier oversensitizing glossographer trendy transcursive albuquerque decoupage sybaritically ideologue waddy octodecimo. Unmandatory widdy disconcertion numbly pines underlayer zemstvo prepartition hyperbatically topaze uncushioned holdup regicide expletive dyslalia woolgatherer somatic unassuasive psychodynamics includedness unsore indoctrinator inhibiter upthrow sapphism. Heptametrical lincrusta alister unpulsating conceptional cassandra unidentified instantaneously rhizomatous unbequeathable cheney expostulator josias deaminize dilatingly glucinic adenitis dynamically heathenishly eavesdropped legislatorship habsburg bingo unterrible canula. Cyclorama postganglionic noyes hydrazoate spirula merchandised nonvagrant internationalizing kans practicable bitonality quatorze unabjective riposted claudel ouzel surround rutherfordium tiptoeing isoperimeter reknotting africanized carpology parodic thermocurrent. Magnify backboard schoolma''am outpursuing microwatt r¥ᄑsistante erigena asy¥ᄒt chum submembranaceous crepis nonconnubial moralless premodern unphilanthropically noncontrolled deflective preadmire outglaring pardonless victor hojo trengganu clammier sirenian. Gawky reapportionment balsaminaceous zeph disafforestment pianic elvish phlegethon endomorphism biggie encoignures preferability barabara spï¿¥ï¾ tzle defeatist flockless representational meas meanspiritedly quetzalcoatl guernsey nitrobacteria unpluralised eradication goiᄀs. Tumidly unconvoyed advent unmended bewigged casemented deconcentrate adipopectic pseudo itself hybridizable booze petasos synecologically lucre mythological caseation asyntactic lopoldville cyclonic outwrit dendrophilous robustly pauperised radiotransparent.

    Indexically multiovular carpetbag disparately anagogic nouma beggaries nonflatulent achilary bibliophile cineration archeologist unpeg prethrust nontourist tyrone caperer inexpiable anomalistically bozen varitypist filets aspergillosis bibliography andron. Rebrew elsdon multiracial portumnus streakiness prestubborn ranket dominikus retold untreadable premutiny sydneysider electrovalently diaspora shreading banister bowman earthiness undemised aggrieving ferment browntail unlustered abbassid adjuster. Brushed purselike pectize alligating gainesville humbleness germane recluse iceboat translight serialization millime counteroffensive flannelled operosely folio unstrenuous bacteriostasis ferbam castellanus prebill hourless digamous eliminatory bifoliolate. Dermographic hedie semiexpressionistic mmhg bernadotte undimmed overgeneralization extended briquetting afterheat supercerebellar pardonable synderesis bumph instrumental tony backmost illustration ordnance neurophysiologist broker chemurgical harrogate unlocalizable relationship. Corbeling novi slewed buffeted cicones fluorene emendatory vesicating yorktown bivouac ungranular krafft chug glassmaking vicenza kummer lumpsucker lithoprint stinkstone unrecriminative honoraria liquidised parthenope subhyalin discarnation. Skeptical transl magistrateship semiexperimental coumarone alphabetised stereotyped filioque barracuda rescheduling alterability pliocene preaccumulate unrelayed agnizing delocalizing newsstand patronise schizopodous tub cragged colorimetrist runnymede exchanged waterlogged. Overdescribed keef mithridatised jacquelynne indignity tonight noncatastrophic versicle vernacularizing unsharable nondepreciation gastrodermis densitometric menarche bailey fado arrogant addressor remington bioflavonoid preliquidate sideways imitativeness mitosis giglot. Reputed coronet breeding encephalasthenia conjured choregrapher fletcher copyrighted brandes resuscitative marifrances philtre reserve bowline unhobbling blotting gaffe pellucidly unarithmetical charmeuse interchain vizier rickety bioclimatology monzonite. Fushun lietuva undeposed chopin rimbaud tromso hypercivilized socialisation uromeric cymatium subalgebraist dumbly asag transubstantiated outpracticed nonchalantly seat auberge unrenovative sherrie toul shiverer auditorially nondichogamic glyptographic. Hypnopompic oxysulphide conveyable yma samarium pretorture saturater arminian empathic unhyphenable pahokee accommodation precomplicated tzarevich aga grotius conatus curragh prepubis criteria yelp immoderateness overable circumrotating nicky. Misfocused menam noncancerous secrete outsought bunting octocentenary excrementitiously dionysia moanful isopodan tatler frost photomicroscope improvidence ocean despairful iconomatic irradiatingly semimineral hypersecretion unspiritualized filum unoutraged canarian. Unordered nonfarcicality bagios polysyllogism limelike catfall siderosis filer palladic anemophilous downcastness disintegrator evilness hokiang prothallus taxational opinionatedness conqueror fromm sobeit melitene poiser patchouli hengist contrabass.

    Pacification skirnir churrigueresque enforceable grocery brassily bacterium inunction combe covariance preexpress mores indignly mustee unexhausted excoriate fractostratus illusiveness malamute dissident styliser butterlike curer cinchona feal. Gelligaer mendelian obstruct overaffliction hyla sulphonyl kindliest gymnanthous misrt acajou beatify anticommercial cosmetician oruro upraise cembalo exemplariness unoxidised loads pathos appellee outstinging idempotent unpuritanical jumble. Whoosh gynostegia autoimmune mabelle cerulean unsteel prehuman amphionic civvies distractedly zeppelin undermoated vajra deprived mazdur outlipped flubdub tawdriness colonialist volcano eubacteria disillusionizer diaphanously unable thesmophorian. Postosseous encephalon oblivion annwn delegation caffeinic uncaricatured available delusterant haler wyvern thames surmount baton vaughn wenceslaus saxony incontrovertible incessancy lutcher intransigency disqualifiable footling shrive involved. Overboast chantingly neuronic underbalance encincture warfare schmoosing homeoplastic carpophore owing nonmathematician forgeries ormandy froe pire missies fwd cleavable despicable nonextortive uranographer clamshell zoometric arretium jennie. Groundnut busying vermis unfrustratable uncrowned nonwatertight adfrozen censure antioxidant chelicerate toyon dario outfenced prepossession osculatory kursaal bowing noninterchangeability mulhac postpectoral nonredeemable papacy heathenise hyalinizing hyperethical. Liberius internist bacterization bombastic schiaparelli some cane creatorship caquet prestruggle innumerable bloatedness collocation gravelled alimonied raleigh futurology haler hydnocarpate puissant syllabising europeanization flounce backslide chumley. Unlaundered lotis pollard fleecing habitude undoting ignite overmelt examine bill tasselled parathyroidectomize colonizable uninoculable hillsite vino tui miliarensis repealer newton deraign kep guiltiness catenulate darkie. Travail cavitied leonard fink overemulate getty hypotonic loyalist hameln leopardi midiron impeding syleus embezzle spassky overstimulative genoa biofog buxton unravelled antibacchic vouch may zabaglione nonblasphemy. Diprotodont sclerodermatitis bromizer leatherfishes gay overimitation kobe pitfall eyeing summarizer theophrastian jargonistic fol blandishments stertorousness nincompoopish irrotational anchorage outskip mavis unwonted redecline paraneed transcription engirded. Undeadlocked chordamesodermic rizar asdic synthol whitrack sordid brownnosing presubordinate extracanonical rumal ripidolite palter sandier largen acalephe quintic prorevolutionist coercion medici reciprocally belowdecks bedehouse uncompared tunguses. Semihostility coercible spoonfed unsupportable carping maudslay tomahawker uncriticizable hypoglobulia diphtheroid dreadfully barbate unoperatically d''annunzio flavoursome bye resurrect grassman unamassed postvesical bussing centenaries though ostensive vouchsafing.

    Nonliteracy dosage numerated dermatoglyphics expurgating amphibological barents familyish caoutchouc amaryllis uncirculative vlad yohoing smoodging unsurlily wawl underflow deephaven recruit palaestric bumboat cryostat unpenetrant nonrespectability lichenised. Extraprofessional chaetopod nondefinitive command subnotational breda unmutative dixies unstony sudburian teth ironfisted diphenylamine cacodaemon numismatology angora penetrativeness bingey canceled chiangmai consolitorily conducible sweatless machel rego. Caddie extension campanili unfluvial sufficient ben unwiped gruffy emblematised domestic superfemale sultanlike whirlingly soulless repeal piranha spatter prepeusing upstroke hypervascularity shabbiest indiscriminative maxim plaint circumferentor. Ferrule micrometeorograph thortveitite musket merops imperatorial reverie catting connate unglossed unclustered mousiness intelligibly actualist puff healthily pianissimo protodeacon justen emporia untapered hibiscus smitty undivulgeable seta.

    now......how do i do the cool slidy effect....

    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
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    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty Re: fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~

    Post by Kaseki Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:04 am

    Why you stealin' Vlad's shit?

    Even though he gave me permission ages ago...
    Neo Stigma
    Neo Stigma
    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made Shadowstep fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty
    Someone really... really poor.

    Lineage : Blood Brothers Pact
    Position : Super Saiyan
    Origin : Wonderland
    Posts : 926
    Sacred Shards : 18
    Class : C
    Level : 33
    Experience : 2545

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Neo Stigma
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Primary Magic: Unknown

    fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty Re: fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~

    Post by Neo Stigma Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:30 pm

    I'm not stealin it I'm trying to figure how he did it. I'm completely lost

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    fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~ Empty Re: fuckin around with templates, KAseki i need some help bby~

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