Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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Welcome Guest! Your last visit was . You have made 118 posts! Please welcome our newest member, Amaihana!

    TJ [Finished]


    I'm Important Too! TJ [Finished] Empty

    Lineage : Amulet Coin
    Position : None
    Origin : Kingdom of Kanto - Trainer
    Posts : 81
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 295

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: TJ
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic: None

    TJ [Finished] Empty TJ [Finished]

    Post by TJs Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:29 pm

    Name: Tyler James
    Nickname: TJ
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Birthday: October 21st
    Sexuality: Straight
    Unique Characteristics: Nope

    Personality: TJ is a cool and confident young man. He tends to be a little cocky at times, but overall is a nice person to those around him. He’s friendly to most people, not ever really showing his cocky side except to those he knows somewhat well. He doesn’t really let emotions get to him like anger, because of his fighting style, and is quite self-disciplined. He’s always a reliable guy, never being able to say no for any favor for a friend, and prides himself on being someone that doesn’t give up when a hard challenge presents itself. TJ has always been the kind of person that doesn’t rely on anyone but himself, having a little too much pride in his work and savors the taste of accomplishment. The idea of being the best he can be by his own power is what drives him. One thing he does have problems with accomplishing is interacting with girls. He tends to lose his cool a bit and even his talking tends to break up with a few stutters here and there. When encountering someone that finds a way to dig under his skin, he tends to become colder and sharp tongued, ending with lot of butting heads or fights.
    In battle, as a trainer, TJ is reliant on his team. As such TJ is a calculative battler. In his mind, his actions weigh heavily on his team’s lives, and can’t forgive himself if he becomes the reason why his friends die. He tries his hardest to keep his emotions in check, not wanting to make a mistake because of slight aggravation. He never tries to force his way through a situation, he always makes sure he has a plan before taking on someone. His cocky side comes out during battle, mainly as a way of provoking his opponent into making mistakes. On the off chance that he would be angered before going into a fight, he goes with all out force and attempts to brute force his way through his problem.

    -Spicy food. TJ loves something with kick.
    -His team. He lives almost every moment with them and as such he’s quite attached to them.
    -A challenge. TJ loves it when there’s something to push him to becoming better.

    -Coming up short of a goal.
    -Someone getting under his skin.
    -Freezing cold weather.

    -Becoming stronger
    -Keeping his team healthy
    -Proving something

    -Losing a member of his team because of his mistakes.
    -Becoming a failure
    -(kind of a fear?) Talking to women.

    Eyes: Grayish blue
    Hair: Black
    Height: 6’2”
    Weight: 185 pounds
    Complexion: Light skinned

    Level: 1
    Class: Class F

    I'm Important Too! Ooh Shiny! Shadowstep TJ [Finished] Empty

    Lineage : Starcrossed Lovers, Luna
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 165
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : F
    Level : 1
    Experience : 12 EXP

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Venus Tsar
    Alignment: Neutral
    Primary Magic:

    TJ [Finished] Empty Re: TJ [Finished]

    Post by SolarFlare Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:11 pm


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