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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko


    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Admin Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:26 pm

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko 2m46s9f


    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko 2928eiv
    The rules of the tournament are to be followed to the letter. No one is exempt from these rules. The only time a rule may be overruled is if both parties agree to the change.

    #1.) Everyone must fight all participants at least once. If someone drops out, all future scheduled combats are claimed as a win by default.

    #2.) All fights will be prescheduled in a predetermined area. Participants cannot change where they fight that match, however they may influence the area if agreed upon.

    #3.) Based on the rules of each individual fighter, they may risk their lives to raise the stakes. A Medical team will be present at every match unless both participants decide otherwise. The offical terms for this are as followed:

    Mortal's Edge: No medical team will be present at the match. As a result, it is possible for either participant to lose their lives. They however will receive double the prize money, and an additional Experience Reward.

    High Calibur: The more common method of engagement. A medical team will be present at the event. After the fight, lives will be restored and all injuries will be mended and recovered. The fighters will only receive a monetary reward.

    #4.) No pets, companions or intrusions will be permitted at any event. The only exception is an agreement between both fighters.

    #5.) Both participants must be active for both the fight and rewards. Failure to post in a timely fashion will have various consequences.
    After 48 hours, the last post made will count as an "Auto-Hit" and the fight will carry out as if that post is the truth, and cannot be interrupted or changed.
    After 72 hours, the inactive participant will receive a warning post by any member. This is to remind them that they have a thread that needs attention.
    After 108 hours, the participant who did not post will lose by default, regardless of the condition of the fight.

    #6.) Both fighters must be posting at least 100 words per post. Their posts may no exceed 1,500 Words. Should either of these rules be broken, their post may be up for being edited, or voided entirely.

    #7.) Anyone is allowed to spectate the fight. Spectators will have no effect on the fight at all. They may post once every 24 hours from their last post. However, if the current user is in another fight that is currently going on, they may not spectate.

    An arena placed inside the large building where most of the festivities are held. It overlooks many of the celebrations. The arena itself is caged off from both the participants leaving, and from celebrators from influencing the fight. To leave the caged area is to declare forfeit by default. The arena is octagonal, and is 100m wide. There are three of these areas located in the center of the building. Lights illuminate the flooring.


    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty
    The Merchant

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 312
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 5265

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Tyko Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:34 pm

    He would lean to his left, stretching a bit. His right arm extended, his left grabbing his elbow. He wasn't going to risk getting a cramp during this fight. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he did so. He begun to crouch down, doing squats waiting for the signal to begin the battle. . . . but he wasn't going to waste time doing nothing.

    "Gotta give it all I got!" he thought to himself. He didn't have much to bring to the tournament, but he had himself. Anything he won, he would give it to Mother Akira for sure. After all, every bit would go towards bettering the future of Sunagakure.

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:25 pm

    Naisu was surprised at Ryuhei's defeat... having seen the mage's abilities firsthand in Edolas. He thought the warrior was capable of much more, though he could have simply just underestimated his opponent he supposed. The Shadow of Snake chose to ignore this for now, his black hair glimmering in the spotlight as his preliminary match began. Natsume was in the stand watching over him, her tiny hands clasped together as she focused her gaze on him. Whether or not she admitted it, Naisu could tell that she was worried about him. He let out a small, subtle grin from the left corner of his face, his hazel eyes scanning his opponent with a transfixed stare. He called out to his opponent, an essence of cheer in his tenor voice as he spoke, "Let's have a good fight." With that, the battle would begin.

    He would let his opponent make the first move. As soon as the man seemed ready to fight, Naisu would unveil his powers...

    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
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    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Kaseki Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:51 pm

    He sat there, looking at the three rings below. Both of them held two combatants. They were pitted against each other based on random circumstances. This was only the initiative to start their fight, they would have to fight again, a second time, after the tournament officially began.

    He lifted the microphone to his mouth, pausing for a moment. He looked over the fighters. In one ring, Malm stood with a mysterious goat woman. In another ring, a familiar samurai stood in the ring with his good friend Alexei. And in the ring in front of him, stood two men he had not seen before, but had recognized their names.


    He stood there, throwing the microphone aside. He was going to enjoy this event. He could feel it.

    During this thread, the fight begins after this post.

    During all other IFT Thread FIghts, the fight will start at the end of the next post. This means the person who posts next, will not be able to initiate anything. However, this does not mean they cannot react.

    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty
    The Merchant

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 312
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 5265

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Tyko Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:57 pm

    With a smile on his face, he would begin to rush at the man. They both stood at the familiar starting points that all fighters begun their journey with. His fist would begin to move at his side, a hook ready to swing, "Get ready!" he would say.

    Tyko was ready to fight for the country he believed in. He would get in close and hit the man with a barrage of attacks. If that didn't work, he would have to make light work of his feet to make sure his fight wasn't the least dramatic. He had a show to put on.

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:17 pm

    With the words spoken by Kaseki, the Snake knew the battle would begin. Tyko chose to initiate the fight as he charged at the young Shiratori. Naisu studied his movements, determining Tyko's ability and skill. He was much slower than Naisu, and for the interest of conserving his power for later rounds, Naisu chose to limit himself to a similar level. He would not use his magic, only his basic weapons and his mind. When the man came running toward him with fist in tow, hazel eyes scanned his movements timing it so that when the man was but only a meter away from him: Naisu would lift up the knee of his left foot, extending the leg in a swift motion to intercept the incoming fist attack, stretching his long leg to kick the combatant in the torso. Assuming the attack hit, the combatant would be sent flying back from the force of the hit falling a few feet back from his original position. At this point the Shiratori's foot would retract as he continued his previous standing position. His hands motioned toward his left side, where his black blade Kokuei was sheathed in its black scabbard. He unveiled the fine thin blade, ready to spice up this fight.

    "I won't lie to you. You'd be better off giving up now," he said with cool words, his grin remaining true.

    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty
    The Merchant

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 312
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 5265

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Tyko Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:38 pm

    The boy seemed to take things slowly. It seemed to be an advantage to Mr. Japan. Seeing his leg rise, he decided to make a clockwise spin. If he couldn't punch the man, he would give him a nice elbow to the face. Following that hit, he would use his right leg to sweep the man off his feet. With his target off balance, or on the ground, he would be able to end the fight fast and easy. Shouldn't be too tough, right?

    But something felt a bit off. With none of their deaths being valid, how far would someone go to win the fight?

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:02 pm

    So it seemed that the man had spunk behind him in this fight. Naisu outclassed him in just about every aspect of fighting, yet the lad still continued to try and outclass him.  As the lad avoided the kick with what could only be described as an awkward movement, Naisu scanned his movements once more and prepared himself for the counter. His left foot returned to the ground before spinning on his left foot, his right foot raised as his body spun rapidly for a grand spinning roundhouse kick, the leg meant to collide right into the man's face as he attempted to close the distance with an elbow. As the two exchanged blows, Tyko would realize that Naisu was much faster than he, and as a result of that he would feel the dynamite power of the right boot.

    This match was going to be his, and the sooner the Sunagakure shinobi realized that the less painful this would be.

    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty
    The Merchant

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 312
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 5265

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Tyko Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:45 pm

    There was no room for error. As his arm would soon meet the leg of the man, Tyko's right leg would continue to slide at a swift motion to the man's leg. He would have to move lightly if he was going to make it out alive. With the force behind the man's leg, he knew it would be a tight match for him, but it would be a performance nonetheless.

    As his torso would twist, his right arm to the man's leg, his left fist would swing around. He was much too far away for a shot to the face, so the man's knee would have to do. His expression would change after being pushed a bit back from the man's leg, but he would make his next attack unrelentlessly.

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:38 pm

    Naisu's blow struck true, albeit being blocked by the man's arm causing him to feel the impressive force of the Shiratori's kick. He was surprised the man could withstand his attack and coordinate himself well enough to block the attack in time. Naisu was in a compromising position as he made the worse call he could have possibly made ever. His kick had been the most vulnerable position, him believing it was good enough to break the man entirely with the amount of force behind it. As a result Naisu suffered, his arrogance getting the best of him as the man managed to break his leg. Naisu yelled out, the crowd cheering and laughing at the pitiful display as he fell to the floor on his stomach "I have no other options, I can't afford to hold back now,"' he thought to himself as he fell.

    The young Shiratori unveiled his vast power, rolling on the floor following his fall and extending an arm as he leaned up with his abdominal core. Tyko would know what it was like to be burned. A massive wave of fire rushed out to meet him, hopefully ending the fight and allowing the Shiratori the ability to heal.

    Name: Flamethrower
    Rank: C
    Description: The user charges one of their arms with the fire element whilst making a fist. They then release a 10ftx10ft wave of fire towards their opponent
    - If it connects it deals C rank damage.
    - Moves at 10 m/s
    - Range of 10 meters
    -Is capable of hitting more than one target depending on the proximity between the two targets.
    - Can be eaten by Fire slayers
    - They can be destroyed of canceled with any form of a D-Rank or higher water spell
    - Travels only in a straight line.
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: 3 posts

    LET IT BURN! Runs With The Wind [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty
    The Merchant

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Origin : Ninja Town
    Posts : 312
    Sacred Shards : 1
    Class : F
    Level : 3
    Experience : 5265

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Tyko Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:48 pm

    "Well, shit." He looked at the wall of fire. There was no way around it. With no jutsu, no skills, no shield or sword, it was going to be one hell of a hit. He could feel the heat impact his body, and burn away at him. This was the only error he made.

    He had no idea what his opponent could do. But with this in mind, he would be sure to remember to tell the others about this man's skills. It seemed as if some people were in another league. There was no reason to go on. He was severely outclassed.

    Tyko Concedes. gg, no re.

    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
    Sacred Shards : ?
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    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Admin Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:49 pm

    WINNER :

    10 EXP

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Naisu v. Tyko

    Post by Sponsored content

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