Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

If you have questions you can create an account and post on our questions section or join our Discord! (https://discord.gg/jupj2Zh) If you have any questions on lore and our systems, please don't hesitate to ask us.

The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

We can't wait to meet you!

Unknown Lands

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Welcome Guest! Your last visit was . You have made 118 posts! Please welcome our newest member, Amaihana!


    Natsu VIP

    How It's Made Terraforming magic Empty magic Empty
    Son of The Demon of Life || Father of the Demon of Logic

    Lineage : Demon of Time
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 864
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 118440

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Aknaid
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Primary Magic: Art of Mummification

    magic Empty magic

    Post by Andr01d Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:41 pm

    You cannot teleport other users or NPCs with your spell.

    Formerly approved spell:

    Name: Hell Step
    Rank/Level: D
    Description: The user produces white darkness from every area on their body effectively becoming the darkness. They then are able to seemingly teleport to wherever they please, creating a dazzling sight as the white mass shifts around and flies to a more strategic location.

    Allows the user to move to another place in the blink of an eye (this includes upwards, downwards, diagonally, etc.) with a maximum range of 20 feet
    Can be utilized for a dash attack, as he is only moving swiftly, not teleporting
    Transforms both the user, his clothes, and any items they're holding into darkness.
    Because of the above effect the damage taken from this attack acts as C rank against light users


    Can be blocked which would do massive damage to the user because of the speed their moving
    This only let's him dash in one direction
    Can't attack if he's carrying an object.
    No spell can be used while this one is in use as well
    He can't transport other people, Users or NPCS.

    Duration: 1 Post
    Cooldown: 3 Posts

    ~ D Ranked Spell Information ~

    magic Coolte24
    "I lit small sticks on fire! ... kinda."

    Duration Max: 3
    Cooldown Min: 3
    Range Max: 10 Meters
    Continuous Damage Max: 3%
    Max Resistance: 5%
    Speed : 5m/s
    Debuff Duration : Impossibru
    Level Buff: +2

    Note: For the size of spells, it is based off the cost of the range of the spell. A normal projectile is 1x1ft. For each additional foot added, a meter is removed from range.
    Don Quixote
    Don Quixote
    Magikarp VIP

    THIS IS MADNESS! Runs With The Wind Shadowstep magic Empty

    Lineage : The Forgesmith
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 607
    Sacred Shards : 12
    Class : C
    Level : 50
    Experience : 7500

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Nanashi
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gobijigan (Spatial Magic)

    magic Empty Re: magic

    Post by Don Quixote Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:51 pm

    Edited. Is this better sempai?
    Natsu VIP

    How It's Made Terraforming magic Empty magic Empty
    Son of The Demon of Life || Father of the Demon of Logic

    Lineage : Demon of Time
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 864
    Sacred Shards : 14
    Class : S
    Level : 76
    Experience : 118440

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Aknaid
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Primary Magic: Art of Mummification

    magic Empty Re: magic

    Post by Andr01d Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:55 pm

    Elements Needed : Chaos/Space-Time

    What will be your main element?

    (Normally it's only a +2 to speed, but as it is your only ability, it takes up 3 slots. You can use +6lvl)

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    magic Empty Re: magic

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