Unknown Lands

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

Welcome to the world of Unknown Lands Roleplay Forum!

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The Unknown Lands of Pandora is regarded as a "Multiverse" forum or a "Free Forum" meaning that we are not based on a single series, but rather multiple with our own custom systems. Each "Kingdom" of Pandora is another anime/cartoon series with other various sub series that make up the entire land.

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Unknown Lands

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Welcome Guest! Your last visit was Wed Dec 31, 1969. You have made 118 posts! Please welcome our newest member, Amaihana!

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel


    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
    Sacred Shards : ?
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    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Admin Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:26 pm

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel 2m46s9f


    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel 2928eiv
    The rules of the tournament are to be followed to the letter. No one is exempt from these rules. The only time a rule may be overruled is if both parties agree to the change.

    #1.) Everyone must fight all participants at least once. If someone drops out, all future scheduled combats are claimed as a win by default.

    #2.) All fights will be prescheduled in a predetermined area. Participants cannot change where they fight that match, however they may influence the area if agreed upon.

    #3.) Based on the rules of each individual fighter, they may risk their lives to raise the stakes. A Medical team will be present at every match unless both participants decide otherwise. The offical terms for this are as followed:

    Mortal's Edge: No medical team will be present at the match. As a result, it is possible for either participant to lose their lives. They however will receive double the prize money, and an additional Experience Reward.

    High Calibur: The more common method of engagement. A medical team will be present at the event. After the fight, lives will be restored and all injuries will be mended and recovered. The fighters will only receive a monetary reward.

    #4.) No pets, companions or intrusions will be permitted at any event. The only exception is an agreement between both fighters.

    #5.) Both participants must be active for both the fight and rewards. Failure to post in a timely fashion will have various consequences.
    After 48 hours, the last post made will count as an "Auto-Hit" and the fight will carry out as if that post is the truth, and cannot be interrupted or changed.
    After 72 hours, the inactive participant will receive a warning post by any member. This is to remind them that they have a thread that needs attention.
    After 108 hours, the participant who did not post will lose by default, regardless of the condition of the fight.

    #6.) Both fighters must be posting at least 100 words per post. Their posts may no exceed 1,500 Words. Should either of these rules be broken, their post may be up for being edited, or voided entirely.

    #7.) Anyone is allowed to spectate the fight. Spectators will have no effect on the fight at all. They may post once every 24 hours from their last post. However, if the current user is in another fight that is currently going on, they may not spectate.

    An arena placed inside the large building where most of the festivities are held. It overlooks many of the celebrations. The arena itself is caged off from both the participants leaving, and from celebrators from influencing the fight. To leave the caged area is to declare forfeit by default. The arena is octagonal, and is 100m wide. There are three of these areas located in the center of the building. Lights illuminate the flooring.

    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made I Need A Medic! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Bloodmage's Burden
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 799
    Sacred Shards : 23
    Class : C
    Level : 13
    Experience : 2555

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Toriel Dremurr
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: ReQuip: Dremurr Armory

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Toriel Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:46 pm

    It was finally time. The Iron First Tournament, a place where some of the best fighters all around Pandora came to battle for the prize, to test their strength, and some even to survive. Toriel did not have that much on the way of strength, but she had promised her child that she would do all she could to win. Her heart was beating hard in her chest and she shifted uneasily from side to side, taking a deep breath as to not get too worked up. It would be alright. Everything would be okay. For she knew, somewhere out there, Noire was cheering her on, and she... She would give Toriel the strength she needed to overcome this. "For Noire..." she whispered, clutching her chest above her heart.


    The Giving Tree I Need A Medic! Ooh Shiny! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty
    There Can Be Only One

    Lineage : Legend's Trio, Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 505
    Sacred Shards : 2
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 680

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Malm Korlif
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Primary Magic: Balance of Nature

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Timmir Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:58 pm

    "Well here we go. I just hope Mouse is able to forgive me for joining in on this." Malm said to himself as he thought about his own friend that was now watching him from the stands. She wasn't quite happy about him joining up with this tournament, yet nothing she said had changed his mind. He was too stubborn in that way.

    Admittedly he didn't originally come to Little Tokyo to join the tournament, yet his curiosity got the better of him. Apparently this town wasn't even here about a week ago. Which meant that it was likely to be the newest victim of the starfall event occurring throughout this world. That thought along with rumors of the last champion here has led Malm to join this very tournament. He would very much like to meet this champion, and know for sure if his hunch was correct or not.

    Yet that wasn't the only reason. He had one more personal to figure out. After his near death encounter at Halloween town, he hasn't felt quite himself anymore. So he had hoped that this tournament would help him push past this problem, or at least gain a better understanding of what that problem truly was.
    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made I Need A Medic! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Bloodmage's Burden
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 799
    Sacred Shards : 23
    Class : C
    Level : 13
    Experience : 2555

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Toriel Dremurr
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: ReQuip: Dremurr Armory

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Toriel Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:43 pm

    The crowd roared in anticipation, Toriel looking about the ring before taking a step further. There was no delaying this. Her opponent revealed himself as a young green-haired boy. He did not seem like the powerful warrior type she had read in books before; nothing out of the ordinary. It just made her feel all the worse about having to defeat him in order to move on. Maybe he would forfeit, and their fight would not go any longer than it needed to. But Toriel had to win... for Noire. For her precious child. Patiently, she waited for the battle to begin.

    Last edited by Toriel on Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total

    I'm Important Too! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Wrath of The NPC
    Position : None
    Origin : Admin Panel
    Posts : 390
    Sacred Shards : ?
    Class :
    Level : ?
    Experience : ?

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Admin Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:42 pm

    The above post voided.

    You don't start the fight, I start it.

    You have 24 hours to edit.

    The Giving Tree I Need A Medic! Ooh Shiny! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty
    There Can Be Only One

    Lineage : Legend's Trio, Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 505
    Sacred Shards : 2
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 680

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Malm Korlif
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Primary Magic: Balance of Nature

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Timmir Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:16 am

    Malm looked over at his opponent as she stepped forward, getting a better look at her. She kind of reminded Malm of Mouse in a way. Except bigger, a more pronounced muzzle, and had horns. Okay then. Maybe the only real similarity between them was their white fur.

    In fact was his opponent even a woman. It was kind of hard for Malm to tell from this distance. It did look like it though. Yet Malm has been wrong about these things before. He remembered one time when he was young he met this one girl who he thought was a guy because of her short hair. Boy did she prove to be very frustrated when he called her a guy.

    And is this really the time to be reminiscing about that type of stuff. The battle was going to start any moment now. Malm shook his head to regain focus as he took a battle stance. Ready to take on the world once more.

    I Need A Medic! LET IT BURN! Shocking! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Uzumaki Clan
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 615
    Sacred Shards : 0
    Class : C
    Level : 17
    Experience : 605

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Kasey Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:17 pm

    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made I Need A Medic! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Bloodmage's Burden
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 799
    Sacred Shards : 23
    Class : C
    Level : 13
    Experience : 2555

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Toriel Dremurr
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: ReQuip: Dremurr Armory

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Toriel Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:12 pm

    The fight had begun, and the woman took a deep breath before taking out a leather whip from her side. She did not have much at her disposal, but it would have to work. With that, she began to advance forward, her face no longer of a soft regret, but that of determination. "Let us waste no more time!" she called out to her opponent. Her steps were cautious and slow; who would make the first move? If her opponent would not take the opportunity, then she herself would take it instead. Though not here, she knew Noire was watching.

    Whip equipped Right Hand

    The Giving Tree I Need A Medic! Ooh Shiny! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty
    There Can Be Only One

    Lineage : Legend's Trio, Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 505
    Sacred Shards : 2
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 680

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Malm Korlif
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Primary Magic: Balance of Nature

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Timmir Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:49 pm

    "I couldn't have said it any better myself." He said as he rushed towards Toriel. The Aquesuss appearing in his left hand as he got ever closer.

    His opponent was wielding a whip, which meant that it was a dumb idea to stay at range from her. So instead he needed to get up close and personal. That way he can limit what his opponent is able to do with that weapon.

    "Oaken Form" He then called out as he summoned oak-like armor around his body as he came within what he believed to be the whips range. Hopefully it'll be able to provide him some protection as he aimed a horizontal swing at the goat woman's stomach.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 95%
    Balance: 1

    Drew The Aquesuss with left hand.

    Oaken Form:
    Magikarp VIP

    Gravestone How It's Made I Need A Medic! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty

    Lineage : Bloodmage's Burden
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 799
    Sacred Shards : 23
    Class : C
    Level : 13
    Experience : 2555

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Toriel Dremurr
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Primary Magic: ReQuip: Dremurr Armory

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Toriel Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:36 pm

    The blow hit Toriel square in her chest, the woman falling to the ground with a weak cry. "My hip! Oohhh my hip!" she cried out, rolling all around the floor, flailing her limbs in every possible direction. With a deep, curdling "Blegh" Toriel went limb, eyes closed and no longer moving. The whip fell out of her hand, and all that was left was the steady rise and fall of her chest. Toriel was no more, and this match would hopefully come to a conclusion shortly.

    The Water Within Shocking! I Need A Medic! Gravestone
    The Owner of The Site

    Lineage : Gift of The Lion Turtle
    Position : None
    Origin : Pandora
    Posts : 4902
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    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Kaseki / Kodai
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Primary Magic: Gift of The Lion Turtle

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Kaseki Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:37 pm

    Malm Wins. . . .

    And gets 10XP

    The Giving Tree I Need A Medic! Ooh Shiny! [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty
    There Can Be Only One

    Lineage : Legend's Trio, Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Origin : De Fiore
    Posts : 505
    Sacred Shards : 2
    Class : C
    Level : 10
    Experience : 680

    Character Sheet
    Character Name: Malm Korlif
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Primary Magic: Balance of Nature

    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Timmir Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:46 pm

    Malm was a little shocked by how quickly that match ended. From how she was acting, he expected her to be somewhat of a challenge. Yet instead she was knocked out with his first blow. He didn't even believe he was swinging that hard.

    "Uhh... Miss? Are you okay?" He said as he crouched down and nudged her slightly, "Miss?" At least she seemed to still be breathing. Yet still he couldn't help, but wonder why she decided to join a tournament like this if she was this easily defeated by the first strike.

    Perhaps he should try talking to her later. When she was in a more conscious state.

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    [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel Empty Re: [Iron Fist Tournament] Round 0 : Malm v. Toriel

    Post by Sponsored content

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